Health & Medical: The Idiot-Proof Diet

The Idiot-Proof Diet

There are so many diet programs out there that most people aren't sure where to go, or whether any of them work. This one works, but whether you're ready for it is another matter. It's ...

Health & Medical: How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

In this article I will give you some basic principles that you should follow after delivery in order to lose weight. Also this article will include ways of losing weight while making sure you are prod

Health & Medical: Omega-3 Sources: Chia Pet Farms Growing in Number

Omega-3 Sources: Chia Pet Farms Growing in Number

Long neglected as a source of nutrition, the chia seed is making a comeback. This tiny little seed contains more omega-3 fatty acid than salmon. It is easy to eat, has a nutty flavor and stores for long periods of time without going rancid. Athletes are able to use these seeds to maintain hydration

Health & Medical: Bottled Water Companies - Trust Brand Identity

Bottled Water Companies - Trust Brand Identity

Bottled water companies are the leading industries that provide pure water to large masses all around the world. Because of such organization entire audience get pure and hygienic water that can be consumed without any ...

Health & Medical: Get Bigger Breasts Within Days

Get Bigger Breasts Within Days

Each and every modern lady today really wants to have this particular breast enhancement. It is among the trends these days. Most ladies used improvement pills to improve their breasts. There tend to be few ...

Health & Medical: How can I control my hunger during the Detox diet?

How can I control my hunger during the Detox diet?

People sometimes hesitate to go on a Detox diet because they don't want to go without eating. When you're really hungry you can experience hunger pangs and some people do not want to

Health & Medical: Knowing More About Diarrhea From Food Poisoning

Knowing More About Diarrhea From Food Poisoning

Millions of people every year experience a food poisoning episode. Diarrhea is the most common symptom and it can be a painful and long ordeal in many cases. It is important to know the type of food poisoning that is causing the diarrhea and the possible remedies.

Health & Medical: It's Their Job to Make Us Fat

It's Their Job to Make Us Fat

There are over 300 million people in this country and roughly 200 million of them are considered fat or obese. Just look around the supermarket and you will see it for yourself. Of course you ...

Health & Medical: The Wellness Advantages Of Juice Extractor Recipes

The Wellness Advantages Of Juice Extractor Recipes

Juicer dishes are widely used by individuals who want to keep healthy naturally. Clean juice offers more than just a sweet taste; it improves the defense mechanisms and general health. Pure juice is made from ...

Health & Medical: Is 14 the New 40? (Part 2)

Is 14 the New 40? (Part 2)

Earlier this month, in part one of this article, I wrote about the alarming new childhood obesity statistics where, according to recent reports; children born after the year 2000 are not expected to outlive their parents! We are witnessing the start of an epidemic and guess what parents? It's y

Health & Medical: Foods Not to Eat Before Surgery

Foods Not to Eat Before Surgery

If you have a surgery scheduled that requires you to be under general anesthesia, your doctor will definitely consult with you with regards to the various pre-operative procedures to which you must adhere. Depending on the nature of your medical procedure, you may need to take care of a set number o

Health & Medical: REAL Summer Foods

REAL Summer Foods

The more you use EnergyRICH Seasonal Foods (rather than associational season foods a-hem like, maybe, ice-cream?), the more energy you have available for fun!

Health & Medical: Low Carbohydrate or Low Glycemic Index Diet?

Low Carbohydrate or Low Glycemic Index Diet?

Low carbohydrate diets are still very popular and in this article I will look at low carb diets and whether they are are good alternative to low GI diet plans. Another very popular diet program is the low carbohydrate diet which became very popular back in 2003/2005 with the Atkins diet being all th

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