Health & Medical Nutrition

The Idiot-Proof Diet

There are so many diet programs out there that most people aren't sure where to go, or whether any of them work. This one works, but whether you're ready for it is another matter.

It's called the Idiot-Proof Diet, and there's a website you can join that gives you a full year's membership. It's based on the principle of combining certain foods together and eating a certain number of meals during the day to help you lose weight fast. The thing about the diet is that it doesn't limit how much of these foods you eat, but does require you to use your judgment in determining when you feel satisfied, not stuffed.

You plan your meals based on the choices they give you for each day. You might find some foods hard to deal with, but you have to select something. Some days you eat 4 meals a day, and a couple of days there are only 3 meals. After you pick your first combination, the diet alters for each additional meal, and each one is planned based on what you previously selected. This way, you can't skip out on how they want you to eat during the day. One lucky thing is that if you feel trapped when you get to the last meal in not finding anything you feel you'll eat, you can go back and start again, selecting different meal choices. If you're someone like me, however, you're going to find a few meals you're just going to have to force down.

The idea is to stay on the diet for 11 days, then take 3 days off and start again. You plan your entire 11 days up front so that it keeps you on course. It promises that if you can keep to the diet you'll lose at least 9 pounds during the course of the diet.

Here's the real story; I lost weight, but decided to end on day six. My wife did it along with me. We ended on day six because we were going to be out of town one of the days on the weekend, and there was no way we could get what we needed to eat, so the diet was lost at that point. I lost 3 pounds in those six days, while my wife lost 7 pounds. So, I wasn't on course to lose 9 pounds, but my wife was easily there.

I also have to add this, to be fair. I'm a Type II diabetic, and though the diet said it was fine for diabetics, as I researched it before doing it, one day my glucose crashed and came in around 44; that's not good at all. And one of the days of the diet is only 3 meals of vegetables and fruits. That may work for some people, but as I'd added exercise to everything, and I tend to stay awake for a lot of hours, I was hungry and had my glucose fall again, though not as drastic as the other number.

But you will lose weight. This means it does what it promises, but you'll have to evaluate for yourself whether this is something you feel you can stick with for awhile.
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