Health & Medical Nutrition

Which Cleansing Detox Diets Will Suit Me?

A detox diet means fasting to some degree. The principles of detoxing are based on stopping the process of digestion to help eliminate toxins from the body. To undertake a fast means to shake up our lives in many ways. Physically, mentally and emotionally.

When you start you will experience some discomfort as the toxins leave your body but many people report that they get a "high" from fasting which can be part of the motivation for repeating the process. In spite of the general feeling of wellness associated with detox diets, there is no medical evidence that your organs need any help getting rid of toxins. Even the health benefits of eliminating some of the toxins in our bodies is open to debate.

When you fast, your digestive organs are getting a holiday. If you can't give yourself some time off to detox then maybe a fast is not the way to go for you. Start with a diet that will not have any severe side effects. There are three day or seven day diets that could fit in with your vacations from work or study.

There is a whole range of diets that involve fruit juice. Substituting juice for food offers the possibility of total cleansing of toxins from your body. If juice fasting appeals to you it can be done in about three days, so it has the advantage of not prolonging the side effects of fasting. Don't do it any longer than three days without making sure you are in good health. That means see your doctor.

One detox diet focuses on the liver. As the liver is an important part of the body's natural cleansing process you could do well to take a look at this diet. It is supposed to get rid of gall stones, eliminate aches and pains and make your allergies go away.

If you follow a detox diet faithfully, according to people who have tried them, you can look forward to a higher level of energy, healthier hair and skin and less excess weight. Some people are worried about the side effects of fasting but if you have done your homework and understand the benefits of detoxification, your understanding will carry you through those uncomfortable times.

Your choice of detox diet depends largely on personal preference. Mainstream medicine will tell you that eating fresh fruit and vegetables is good for your health but that is about the extent of approval for detox diets. So take your time choosing a detox diet that fits in with your lifestyle and world view.
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