Health & Medical: Eight Glasses of Water a Day: A Common Misunderstanding

Eight Glasses of Water a Day: A Common Misunderstanding

Drinking eight glasses of water a day just means you will spend a lot of time running to the bathroom.Why do so many people believe this rule?All foods contain water. Even the driest nut or seed has a lot of water in it. Furthermore, when food is digested, it is converted to energy, carbon dioxide a

Health & Medical: How to Cook the Best Steak in the World

How to Cook the Best Steak in the World

Every person loves their steak cooked a different way, throughout this article I will take you through step-by-step how to cook the perfect steak for your liking, no matter what that is!

Health & Medical: Are You a Fruit and Nut Case? Learn to Eat Nutritious Meals From Local Produce

Are You a Fruit and Nut Case? Learn to Eat Nutritious Meals From Local Produce

Eating well and fighting global warming are two goals that can be achieved simultaneously by preparing delicious nutritious meals from local produce. A great deal of the stocked items in local supermarkets has actually travelled many hundreds or thousands of miles, most of which could be bought loca

Health & Medical: 5 Carbs That Can Help You Lose Weight

5 Carbs That Can Help You Lose Weight

If you are not a low carbohydrate diet fan, you probably want to know what options you have when choosing healthy carbohydrates. Although, low carbohydrate diets are popular, many people simply cannot choose this way of eating, either because they are vegetarians, have health problems that don'

Health & Medical: 5 Best Sources of Protein

5 Best Sources of Protein

Protein is one of the most essential nutrients required in a balanced diet. It's also known as "amino acids" or "complex natural compound". It's very useful for building healthy muscles and body tissues. It also improves the human immune system. It's highly require

Health & Medical: 5 Simple Ways to Live Healthy

5 Simple Ways to Live Healthy

Doing a personal self-check to see that we are doing only the right things in our body will be helpful in avoiding those things that will be doing us nothing but the reverse. Lifestyle and habit check in order to see how fatigue we are can also be helpful. Remember that fatigue and living a sedentar

Health & Medical: What Makes Vitamin C Antioxidants Important?

What Makes Vitamin C Antioxidants Important?

Vitamin C is perhaps the best known and most studied of all the antioxidants. Also known as ascorbic acid, it helps combat damage done to our cells by free radicals.

Health & Medical: What Vegetables to Use For Losing Weight

What Vegetables to Use For Losing Weight

When you start your diet, you are going to have to change the way you eat. This means you will have to eat healthier, less fried food, junk food etc... You are going to have to go by mommy's rules and eat your fruits vegetables.

Health & Medical: Michelle Obama, Childhood Obesity and The Magic Pill

Michelle Obama, Childhood Obesity and The Magic Pill

Have you ever wished there was just one thing you could do, one thing you could take to lose weight and improve your health? There's sooo many weight loss programs, so many exercise machines, Where ...

Health & Medical: Eating Vegan

Eating Vegan

Vegans are frequently misunderstood as fringe eaters with an unnatural passion for animal rights.Veganism (also known as strict vegetarianism or pure vegetarianism), as defined by the Vegan Society, is "a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude - as far as is possible and practical

Health & Medical: The Stone Age Diet: Free of Gluten and Processed Foods

The Stone Age Diet: Free of Gluten and Processed Foods

Designated the "world's most healthiest diet" by paleo enthusiasts ("paleo" is shortened from "paleolithic"), the stone age diet is free of both gluten and processed foods (including refined and artificial sugars). What are the possible benefits of following the pa

Health & Medical: Diet And Nutrition

Diet And Nutrition

It is going to be achievable to answer the question of how long you need to exercise to keep as healthy as you can.The average is at least 20 minutes of exercise at least three times a week.This will help to strengthen the cardiovascular health.

Health & Medical: Yeast Free Diet Info

Yeast Free Diet Info

People who are yeast intolerant are often recommended to take on a yeast free diet. A yeast free diet is intended to slow or stop the excessive growth or spread of candida inside the body.

Health & Medical: Healthiest Products To Keep You Healthy

Healthiest Products To Keep You Healthy

They don"t care about their eating habits and take unhealthy food which form the toxics in the body and give birth to many problems like thyroid, obesity, heart diseases and more andvery weak and unhealthy which is surely not a perfect way to reduce the weight without having complete knowledge.

Health & Medical: Health Foods

Health Foods

Health foods are a loosely defined food category, usually involving foods labeled organic or natural. Organic foods are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers or insecticide. Natural foods are processed without chemical additives.

Health & Medical: Weight Loss Is Not About Counting Calories

Weight Loss Is Not About Counting Calories

Weight loss is more about making calories count and less about counting calories. Calories measure the amount of energy stored in food. Stated another way, calories measure the amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in ...

Health & Medical: Anzac Biscuits - Enjoy the Tradition

Anzac Biscuits - Enjoy the Tradition

The Anzac biscuits were for soldiers in the early part of the 20th century during World War I, which were prepared by the families of the soldiers, who were engaged in the battle field. It was a cheaper variety of biscuit as it was made while the world was reeling under severe economic crisis. The o

Health & Medical: Find Out All About the Many Uses of Mint

Find Out All About the Many Uses of Mint

The cooling freshness of mint is loved by all, isn't it?Most of us associate the leaf/plant with wonderfully fresh breath but rarely do most pick up a bunch of mint from the market to use for other purposes and it's a downright shame!Whether spearmint, peppermint or some other type of mint