Health & Medical Nutrition

REAL Summer Foods

Fire Element According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are five elements that contribute to all activities: TREE / WOOD, FIRE, SOIL / EARTH, METAL and WATER.
Fire is the element of summer ...
so how can this help to put more of YOU in summer? The more you use EnergyRich Seasonal Foods (rather than associational season foods - a-hem like, maybe, ice-cream?), the more energy you have available for fun! Fire Foods - to Keep You Cool 1.
Grains: o Quinoa - might be considered a super-grain-- has an incredible amount of protein and contains the amino acid lysine, so the protein is more complete.
The quality of protein in quinoa is at least equivalent to that in milk.
Quinoa also has a high level ofiron, potassium and riboflavin, as well as other B vitamins: B6, niacin, and thiamin.
A real strength builder for summer heat, but also has a light, delicate taste perfect for a cool, summer grain salad.
o Corn - is a grain - although many of us often want to make it a vegetable - that has a sweet flavor and is an overall energy and blood strengthener (good to combat that summer heat!) It's the only grain that contains Vitamin A- this helps it to be refreshing and an ideal hot weather grain.
Not to mention that summer is the major growing time here in the Northeastern part of the United States.
(While I was in Upstate New York this past weekend the corn was only shin- high; by the time I am back in August it will be over 6 feet tall!) 2.
Red Vegetables: o Tomatoes - now, botanically, yes, this is a fruit, but technically they are a berry (pulpy and contain more than one soft seed); however, legally in the U.
(since 1893) - vegetable.
Why? Because it is used as one.
Logical, huh? Most important - nutritionally: sweet and sour taste, cools the blood and eases digestion.
A tomato is highly acidic, but after it has been digested it alkalizes the blood so can be helpful for keeping the body temperature down.
According to Macrobiotic philosophy this fruit/berry/vegetable should never be used (it is too acidic and creates a fighting temperament), but if used in moderation this can be a wonderful summer food.
o Red peppers - we are talking the sweet not the hot and spicy.
Red peppers are a green pepper at its full maturity.
They are cooling and improve the appetite, but should not be used by anyone who has any type of digestive disorder.
High in vitamin C - good for a summer energy boost! To your Energy and success, Heather
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