Drinking health shakes can be a great way to provide your body with good nutrition.
But, there are so many shakes available today, how do you know which one is best? This article is going to talk about the best way to provide your body with healthy, natural nutrition.
Many people turn to synthetic, man-made shakes when they want to lose weight.
They buy pre-made shakes or focus their shake ingredients around highly processes shake ingredients that can actually be harmful to their health.
The problem with these fad weight loss shakes lies in the fact that they are made of highly processed and refined ingredients, and some of these shakes contain harmful chemicals and preservatives that are not good for your health! The best, natural way to give your body good nutrition is by making shakes with whole foods.
Focus the ingredients on natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Drinking a healthy shake with fruits and veggies will provide your body with the nutrients that are found in these healthy foods, but you will be able to quickly drink it down and your body will be able to digest the food easier.
Fruit and vegetable shakes are best when they are prepared with raw foods.
Choose fruits that are bright in colors because they contain antioxidants that are great for your health.
Also, try adding in a few handfuls of a mild green vegetable, such as kale or spinach.
I know that it sounds gross to add spinach to your smoothie, but you can't actually taste the spinach! The sweetness of the fruit covers up the spinach taste, so it is a great way to eat your vegetables without tasting them.
You can make a health shake anytime from the comforts of your own home, simply put some fruits and vegetables in the blender (along with a little bit of water), blend it all together and enjoy!
But, there are so many shakes available today, how do you know which one is best? This article is going to talk about the best way to provide your body with healthy, natural nutrition.
Many people turn to synthetic, man-made shakes when they want to lose weight.
They buy pre-made shakes or focus their shake ingredients around highly processes shake ingredients that can actually be harmful to their health.
The problem with these fad weight loss shakes lies in the fact that they are made of highly processed and refined ingredients, and some of these shakes contain harmful chemicals and preservatives that are not good for your health! The best, natural way to give your body good nutrition is by making shakes with whole foods.
Focus the ingredients on natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Drinking a healthy shake with fruits and veggies will provide your body with the nutrients that are found in these healthy foods, but you will be able to quickly drink it down and your body will be able to digest the food easier.
Fruit and vegetable shakes are best when they are prepared with raw foods.
Choose fruits that are bright in colors because they contain antioxidants that are great for your health.
Also, try adding in a few handfuls of a mild green vegetable, such as kale or spinach.
I know that it sounds gross to add spinach to your smoothie, but you can't actually taste the spinach! The sweetness of the fruit covers up the spinach taste, so it is a great way to eat your vegetables without tasting them.
You can make a health shake anytime from the comforts of your own home, simply put some fruits and vegetables in the blender (along with a little bit of water), blend it all together and enjoy!