Health & Medical: Developing Your Psychological Hardiness

Developing Your Psychological Hardiness

From the U.S. Army Survival Handbook:"Your mission as a soldier in a survival situation is to stay alive... You are going to experience an assortment of thoughts and emotions.These can work for you, or they can be your downfall.Fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, guilt, depression and loneliness

Health & Medical: Family Dynamics & Eating Disorders

Family Dynamics & Eating Disorders

The factors influencing the development and continuance of eating disorders include family dynamics as well as self-esteem, body image, cultural ideas and media. Although blaming family structure will not help a person with an eating disorder, investigation into the dynamics can help someone heal d

Health & Medical: Domestic Violence-Domestic Violence and Your Health

Domestic Violence-Domestic Violence and Your Health

Domestic violence is one of the most common causes of injury to women in the United States. The head, face, neck, chest, breasts, and abdomen are the areas most frequently injured.12 After battering starts, it usually continues and is likely to increase in severity if left untreated. For example, ba

Health & Medical: Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Treatment

Treatment for anxiety depends on the individual in question. Anxiety disorders can spring from a number of different causes, including biochemical factors, upbringing and the stresses of work and family life. The first step in treating anxiety disorders comes with isolating the causes. Then the doct

Health & Medical: ADD In Children Adds Up To Scholastic Concerns

ADD In Children Adds Up To Scholastic Concerns

The use of natural remedies for ADD in children is becoming more popular with every passing year. If your child has been diagnosed with this condition, you may be extremely anxious to learn what you can do the lessen the severity of their symptoms. If not addressed correctly, the ailment can have a

Health & Medical: ADHD Parenting: Handling Sibling Fights

ADHD Parenting: Handling Sibling Fights

Sibling fights are normal among families with several children but if one of the siblings has ADHD, these little spats are practically a regular occurrence. Here are a few ADHD parenting tips on managing sibling fights and helping all the kids in the family get along.

Health & Medical: Tips to Live a Better Life

Tips to Live a Better Life

Every day, people all across the globe are trying find new ways to enrich their lives. Some face extreme challenges and obstacles in this journey, causing them to fear changing their routines. While it can be a difficult process, the rewards for trying to life a better life are worth the sweat and t

Health & Medical: How to Deal With Anxiety Attacks Effectively

How to Deal With Anxiety Attacks Effectively

Anxiety is part and parcel of like. We get nervous when we are about to give a presentation on stage and we worry and fret over a particularly tough examination. In the process, we learn how to deal w

Health & Medical: Signs & Symptoms of Stress on the Nervous System

Signs & Symptoms of Stress on the Nervous System

Signs and symptoms of stress on the nervous system are the body's way of alerting us about potential harm. Stress is an automatic response to perceived threats, and it triggers action from the nervous system. Signs and symptoms consist of combined nerve and hormonal signals, and without...

Health & Medical: Alcohol Drug Treatment & Self-Determination

Alcohol Drug Treatment & Self-Determination

To the person struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, the battle may seem like a hopeless fight. However, the future need not seem so grim. Using self-determination along with getting the right kind of treatment, the addiction can be brought under control and a person can get his life back.

Health & Medical: Is the Economy Bad For Your Health?

Is the Economy Bad For Your Health?

If today's economy has significantly impacted your financial and personal life, chances are it is also affecting your health.That does not come as much of a surprise if you stop and think about it.We all know that stress causes health problems and this is a pretty stressful time for most people

Health & Medical: How to Get Quartermaster for "Medal of Honor"

How to Get Quartermaster for "Medal of Honor"

Quartermaster is an Xbox 360 achievement and a PlayStation 3 trophy players can earn in "Medal of Honor." Players must earn 1,000 points from using support actions in multiplayer games to get Quartermaster. You unlock more powerful support actions as you earn more points in a single life. Choose eit

Health & Medical: Unrest on the Job: Has 'Desk Rage' Hit Your Co-workers?

Unrest on the Job: Has 'Desk Rage' Hit Your Co-workers?

Companies may soon begin to hold training seminars on manners just as they do for sexual harassment and discrimination. In fact, a handful of U.S. companies are already hiring outside consultants to cope with the rudeness that seems to be about as commonplace as water coolers and copy machines in to

Health & Medical: About Healthy Families

About Healthy Families

While there are a variety of factors that come into play when determining what makes a healthy family, there are a few essential elements that every healthy and well adjusted family needs to maintain and thrive. These types of families are successful because they spend time together and bond with ea

Health & Medical: Will Neurofeedback Help With Bipolar Disorder?

Will Neurofeedback Help With Bipolar Disorder?

According to a recent survey, approximately 5.7 million Americans are living with bipolar disorder, a serious illness that can manifest itself with intense mood swings and bizarre thoughts. A person who has been clinically diagnosed as having this disorder will spend most of their lives vacillating

Health & Medical: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - OCD and Smells From Other People

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - OCD and Smells From Other People

Do you have the type of OCD where when you smell someone who smells bad you just want to tell them to take a shower? Does it drive you crazy to the point where you do rituals so that you won't get contaminated or whatever. A lot of this has to do with the fact that we want to control things esp

Health & Medical: What Is Objective Medical Information for Depression?

What Is Objective Medical Information for Depression?

Depression affects about seven people out of every 100 after age 18. Symptoms and treatments are often subjective; however, there is information regarding depression that steadily remains concrete and objective.