Health & Medical Mental Health

Healing Guidance - How to Connect

Mind-body healing relies on your ability to make one crucial connection -- aligning with your natural healing spirit.
Perhaps, like Nancy, you're frustrated by your attempts to connect with your inner wisdom and higher guidance.
Maybe it seems like "nobody's listening.
" Relax.
There are a few simple things you can do right now to tune in.
Nancy was frustrated.
"I keep asking for guidance," she said.
"But I just don't seem to get anything.
" "I ask and ask.
" she continued.
"It feels like like nobody's listening.
" Perhaps you've felt the same way.
As we talked, I asked Nancy about her process.
"How do you ask the questions?" I prodded.
"And what do you ask?" Nancy was definitely on the right track.
  • She had established a regular time for her inner work, and she showed up consistently.
  • She picked a time when her mind was fresh and uncluttered from the day's adventures -- first thing in the morning, before she got dressed for work.
  • And she had found a way of relaxing into a connection with higher wisdom that suited her belief system and values.
All she really needed was a little tweak in the question department.
This became clear as she proceeded to describe what happened next.
"After getting myself relaxed and protected," she said, "I begin asking questions.
" I encouraged her to share some examples, which she did freely.
  • "What is my right path in life?"
  • "What foods should I eat for good health?"
  • "Is there anything special my body needs right now?"
  • "How can I increase abundance so I can afford all the health practices I think would be good for me?"
As Nancy continued, I could get a sense of what must have been going on.
She'd sit down with the intention of receiving, and yet her mind was stuck in "broadcast" mode.
It was one question after the next, all in the same session.
This is where we started our tweak.
"Sometime before you sit down for your quiet time," I suggested, "Write out one specific question to work with for that day.
Just one.
Writing it down forces you to be clear on your focus and priority.
It firms up the question in your mind.
If you're taking quiet time first thing in the morning, the ideal time to fashion your question is the evening before.
This gives your unconscious mind the opportunity to start early, even while you sleep.
Make the question short enough to remember easily.
" "When you actually get to your quiet place, refresh the question once in your mind and then let it go.
Focus on your breathing.
Allow yourself the space in which to receive.
" Nancy seemed to breathe a little easier already.
She could see that she'd started out well, and with just a little tweaking, it probably wouldn't be all that difficult to improve her results.
There was just one more piece to the puzzle.
"But how do I recognize the guidance when it comes?" she asked.
"I just don't seem to get anything at all!" She'd asked a great question.
In the next article, we'll explore how to recognize inner guidance.
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