Health & Medical Mental Health

4 effective anxiety natural treatments

Let's face it, doing things the natural way is a good thing, right? It's the same with treating anxiety. As you may know, anti-anxiety medications are very popular as these provide quick relief from the symptoms. However, these medications' effects are only temporary, and moreover, they can cause possible side effects. If you do not want to risk having side effects, why don't you try out anxiety natural treatments?
One effective anxiety natural treatment is dietary modification. Avoid intake of caffeine, artificial preservatives, refined sugar, and artificial sweeteners. Eat food with high nutrients to promote your body's natural healing ability, growth, and wellness. Include food that are rich in beta-carotene (ex: sweet potato, broccoli, carrots), and vitamin C (ex: blueberries, potatoes, grapefruit), vitamin E (ex: margarine, nuts, vegetable oils). These 3 are just some of the powerful antioxidants that will promote better body functions such as stimulating the brain to produce needed neurotransmitters. Eat smart carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits because these contain substances that are mood boosting. Go for food with high protein such as chicken, tuna, low fat cheese, and poultry. These are rich in tyrosine, an amino acid that stimulates production of norepinephrine and dopamine which will promote a more alert mind and the ability to concentrate. Omega-3 fatty acids are also a must. Sources of Omega-3 are nuts and fatty fish.
Another anxiety natural treatment is a good exercise routine, an aerobic one. Having regular exercise will help maintain good blood and oxygen circulation. Moreover, exercising will stimulate production of morphine like substances that are mood lifters. Exercise will also increase your sense of control over your life, which people with anxiety lacks. It is also a good distraction from your worries and negative emotions, and slowly gets rid of stress and frustration.
Mindfulness Meditation is also a good anxiety natural treatment. This will focus your mind on the present without you judging yourself. Researches claim that this may decrease stress, improve mood, and boost immune function. Here are the steps on mindfulness meditation:
 First, sit on a quiet and comfortable place. Keep your head, neck, and back straight.
 Next, try as hard as you can to forget the past and not be anxious of the future. Just think of the present. Think only of the moment and nothing else.
 Third, focus on your breath. Be mindful of the flow of air moving in and out of your body.
 Watch the thoughts that come and go. Whether it is negative or positive, do not suppress them. Instead, note what thoughts came into your mind.
 Slowly, become aware of the place you are in and without disrupting yourself, slowly get up.
Homeopathy is another in the list of anxiety natural treatments. In this treatment, herbs like St. John's wort are used as the primary ingredients. They are carefully diluted and combined to be more effective. These homeopathic remedies will nourish your nervous system, promote better and motivated outlook, and will sustain a happier mood.
There are a variety of anxiety natural treatments. It is your job to see what's the most effective for you. Remember... do not let anxiety control your life.
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