- Families tend to be healthy and successful when they live in a home environment that is positive. In these types of homes, children are praised for their accomplishments, and encouraged to pursue their passions. Parents have a loving relationship and do not argue in front of their kids when complications arise. This environment does not need to be perfect, as no home is, but it should be a warm place in which kids feel comfortable. In families where there is an abusive spouse, for example, home life can be negative and cause issues with self-esteem, as well as have dire effects later in life.
- Parents should never abuse their kids. There are other ways to teach kids right from wrong. As a result, healthy families err on the side of discipline. Instilling discipline in kids at an early age ensures that they stay on track and remain focused as they progress through life. Setting boundaries such as age limits on dating and curfews are beneficial during teen years.
- Healthy families set aside time to do things together as a family, and this should be done as much as possible. This gives them the opportunity to bond and grow closer, and learn things about each other that they may not have known otherwise. Family time can include summer vacations, movie nights, eating dinner together at a popular restaurant or going to local parks together.
- Families that are well adjusted also make education a priority and explain to their kids the importance of finishing high school and pursuing their education to higher levels. This helps kids set goals early on in terms of higher education and attempt to do well in school to get there. These families keep an eye on how their kids are doing in school and try to help them if they have questions about work that they're assigned. If a child is falling behind in their schoolwork or having emotional issues related to school, parents find ways to help with that as well.
- Eating healthy and encouraging physical activity is another key element of healthy families. When families follow a healthy diet it helps prevent sickness and teaches kids how to make healthy choices in food. Exercise for kids can include participating in school sports and extracurriculur activities such as ballet, cheerleading, dance, chess club and social clubs.
Positive Home Environment
Adequate Discipline
Family Time
Importance of Education
Diet and Exercise