Anxiety is part and parcel of like. We get nervous when we are about to give a presentation on stage and we worry and fret over a particularly tough examination. In the process, we learn how to deal with anxiety. More importantly, this anxious feeling needs to be there. It helps us to stay focus and drives us to perform better.
However, there is also a group of people that are affected by anxiety in a negative way. They suffer from anxiety attacks and it disrupts their normal life. They become crippled by anxiety and may even be unable to leave their home or even carry out their work.
The most common symptoms of anxiety attack can include:
-Rapid heart pounding
-Difficulty in breathing
-Fear that they are going mad or crazy
-Fear that something terrible is about to happen and they are dying
There are a lot more symptoms to anxiety attacks but that is not the main issue here. The main problem for most anxiety attack sufferers is the fear of having another attack - the fear that something is wrong with them.
Naturally that fear is not totally unfounded as there could be an underlying illness or health problems that causes their symptoms. If you have not done so, please do visit the doctor and get a full medical examination. More importantly, if you are given a clean bill of health, you MUST believe in the diagnosis and stop thinking that something is wrong with you.
In absence of a real medical problem, you must accept that you are suffering from anxiety attacks and do everything you can to overcome it. The next step from now on is to change the mental model and attitude towards anxiety attack.
Sufferers are very often trapped in the vicious cycle of anxiety attacks. From their initial experience of anxiety attack, they become convinced that a particular situation causes their panic attack. For example: their anxiety attacks triggers when they are alone at home, and from that point onwards they become fearful of being alone for fear of not being able to get help when it happens again. Needless to say, they are constant aware of their fear and when they are put into that situation again; they suffer from another anxiety attacks. This reinforces their fears and their anxiety attacks get worse because it happens again...and again...and again.
However, there is also a group of people that are affected by anxiety in a negative way. They suffer from anxiety attacks and it disrupts their normal life. They become crippled by anxiety and may even be unable to leave their home or even carry out their work.
The most common symptoms of anxiety attack can include:
-Rapid heart pounding
-Difficulty in breathing
-Fear that they are going mad or crazy
-Fear that something terrible is about to happen and they are dying
There are a lot more symptoms to anxiety attacks but that is not the main issue here. The main problem for most anxiety attack sufferers is the fear of having another attack - the fear that something is wrong with them.
Naturally that fear is not totally unfounded as there could be an underlying illness or health problems that causes their symptoms. If you have not done so, please do visit the doctor and get a full medical examination. More importantly, if you are given a clean bill of health, you MUST believe in the diagnosis and stop thinking that something is wrong with you.
In absence of a real medical problem, you must accept that you are suffering from anxiety attacks and do everything you can to overcome it. The next step from now on is to change the mental model and attitude towards anxiety attack.
Sufferers are very often trapped in the vicious cycle of anxiety attacks. From their initial experience of anxiety attack, they become convinced that a particular situation causes their panic attack. For example: their anxiety attacks triggers when they are alone at home, and from that point onwards they become fearful of being alone for fear of not being able to get help when it happens again. Needless to say, they are constant aware of their fear and when they are put into that situation again; they suffer from another anxiety attacks. This reinforces their fears and their anxiety attacks get worse because it happens again...and again...and again.