Home & Garden: How to Insulate a Home for Winter

How to Insulate a Home for Winter

Insulating your home for winter or winterizing, as it is also called, is important for people who live in climates where the temperature drops to the 30s. It will help you keep warmer, help your home stay in good condition and save energy and money, according to the Farm Bureau Safety and Health Ne

Home & Garden: Personal Safety Tips For in Your City

Personal Safety Tips For in Your City

Your first and most important personal safety tip would be staying alert to your surroundings. You cannot just walk down the sidewalk with your head down not paying attention to what is around you today.

Home & Garden: DIY Basic Wireless Alarm System

DIY Basic Wireless Alarm System

A basic wireless alarm sounds out an alert when there is an interruption of the signal being sent from the transmitter to the receiver. You can set up a basic wireless alarm system to protect your front door, providing you've purchased a wireless alarm sensor plate transmission/reception kit from a

Home & Garden: Residential Fire Prevention Tips

Residential Fire Prevention Tips

Many people are afraid of residential fires and with good reason. Fires destroy furniture, pictures, homes, memories and lives. To make sure that you are doing all that you can to save your family and home, you have to learn about the major causes of house fires and how to prevent them. Smoke and fi

Home & Garden: Essential Tips For A Safer Home

Essential Tips For A Safer Home

If you have valuable possessions in your house, including original art, jewelry or large sums of money, do not assume no one knows about it. Guard against burglaries by bolstering your security strate

Home & Garden: Home Security: The Wireless Advantage

Home Security: The Wireless Advantage

If you are a home owner and are concerned about your security maybe because you live in a neighborhood where burglary, trespassing and vandalism is an occasional occurrence, then I know you have considered moving ...

Home & Garden: How Do I Kill Fleas Without Using Chemical Products?

How Do I Kill Fleas Without Using Chemical Products?

Distinguished from other small insects by their hard, reddish-brown bodies and enlarged hind legs, fleas are blooding-sucking parasites that feed primarily on pets. Animals generally carry fleas indoors on their fur. Aside from sucking blood, fleas make pets itchy and irritated. Since fleas are deve

Home & Garden: Get the best home alarm installation for your home

Get the best home alarm installation for your home

Do you want to install an alarm system into your home? If so, then the Internet is the place where you can find plenty of interesting offers. There are several companies that provide a section online

Home & Garden: Overheating After Thermagasket Repairs

Overheating After Thermagasket Repairs

Thermagasket is the type of automotive solution used to repair various engine problems. It is specifically used to treat a blown head gasket. This problem occurs after overheating, and is accompanied by other symptoms like water in the oil, white emission (steam) coming from the tailpipe and rumblin

Home & Garden: The Burglar Alarm System

The Burglar Alarm System

Having your personal property is an achievement you may perhaps be truly proud of. You must shield your assets so that you can take pleasure in the fact that you have peace of mind. Your ...

Home & Garden: Analyzing Wireless Burglar Alarms

Analyzing Wireless Burglar Alarms

Because of a surge in burglaries in many places, business owners and home owners have resorted to taking extra measures. Before this burglars had caused untold damage in homes and businesses. Today, we have burglar alarms which do a good job in deterring intrusions and break-ins.

Home & Garden: How to Remove Glass Attached With Adhesive Tape

How to Remove Glass Attached With Adhesive Tape

Since glass is such a heavy material, it requires a strong adhesive tape in order to secure it to another surface. Though the strong adhesive property of such a tape is good for the security of the glass, it can make it a challenge to remove the glass from the other surface. It can also make it diff

Home & Garden: Weather Radios-Which One Is Right For You

Weather Radios-Which One Is Right For You

Weather radios and weather alerts come in a variety of devices. Picking a device that is appropriate for your personal use is important and can be obtained at a minimal cost. A weather radio is not essential in obtaining the infomormation you need, merely a means of being alerted in the event of sev

Home & Garden: Leveraging Technology for Safer Security Solutions

Leveraging Technology for Safer Security Solutions

Security solutions have come a long way since the days of the conventional lock and key. With advancing technology, we now have keyless locks that are rapidly becoming the preferred choice. The biggest advantage with ...

Home & Garden: Minerals That You Use Everyday

Minerals That You Use Everyday

Silver is a very popular mineral.silver sugar bowl with silver spoon image by Alex White from Fotolia.comMinerals are very important to everyday life. According to the U.S. Bureau of Mines, the average person uses 40,000 pounds of minerals per year. From when we wake up in the morning and...

Home & Garden: Setting Up a Home Security System in Kalgoorlie

Setting Up a Home Security System in Kalgoorlie

For any person, the security of their family is of paramount importance, and most people are willing to go the extra mile to protect their family members. In today's day and age, threats could present ...

Home & Garden: Dakota Alert WMA-3000 Wireless Driveway Alarm Reviewed

Dakota Alert WMA-3000 Wireless Driveway Alarm Reviewed

Maybe you remember (if you grew up in the 50's or 60's) leaving the house unlocked or the keys in the car. That was common back then, but no longer practiced much today. These days, security has become an important issue and people are doing whatever they can to protect themselves. Having

Home & Garden: How to Build Basement Storage Rooms

How to Build Basement Storage Rooms

People finish their basements for a lot of different reasons, storage being one of the most popular. In order to build storage rooms, you should already have a basement; if not, building one is a project of an entirely different order. If your basement is finished, proceed like you woul

Home & Garden: Can Stone Dust Be Used for Pavers?

Can Stone Dust Be Used for Pavers?

Installing pavers for patios and walkways requires a base of elements underneath the stones. Usually it is a mixture of gravel along with rough sand or stone dust. The difference between stone dust and sand is slight, and while stone dust can be used for pavers in most installations there are a few