Statistics show that almost all of fire deaths and injuries happen in the home. Still the best fire safety plan is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Without a proper plan in place that is ready to be executed when a fire breaks out, you may be putting the lives of your family at risk.
It is a smart move to plan ahead in this area. A lot of fire safety depends on simple measures which are easy to implement. If you can just imagine the number of people who die or get injured every year from fires which could have easily been prevented, it serves as a wake up call to immediately work out a fire educational and training program. As head of the family, it is your responsibility to make your home as safe as it can be. You cannot have the tranquility and peace in your mind and heart if you are aware that your place is a fire risk. What you need to do right away is to self-educate yourself in the subjects of fire hazards, fire prevention measures, safety facts and tips, use of fire sensors and detection units, having the necessary fire fighting equipments and emergency steps every family member has to take when fire strikes. If you have kids, they have to know what to do, like your planned escape routes and where to meet in the event of any fire outbreak.
Inspection of all your electrical outlets, wirings, appliances by a licensed and qualified electrician is the best thing you have to do. Common fires happen because of faulty electrical wirings and inappropriate use of electrical devices. If your outlets are overloaded with many electrical appliances, it can be a fire hazard. Your home should also have ground fault or arch fault circuit interrupters. If there are children around, make sure that electrical outlets are covered with necessary plastic covers when not in use.
There are other safety tips like keeping your appliances always in good condition, checking any leaks from any liquid petroleum gas containers, not allowing kids to use electrical gadgets by themselves without supervision and never let them play with lighters or matches. Keep your fireplaces in good condition and see to it that flames are put out. If you are a cigarette smoker, be careful in throwing cigarettes still lighted in trash cans and never smoke in bed. Also, be careful in handling candles and installing inferior electrical lightings on your Christmas tree.
With regards to the kitchen, it is one place most likely to be the source of fire breakout such as grease fire. So be careful in the handling of any kitchen appliances like oven, microwave, gas or electric stove, coffee pots, cooking oil, kerosene, etc. Always see to it that you don't forget to monitor whatever cooking or boiling is being done in the kitchen.
It has been noted that fire incidents caused by portable space heaters arise during the months of December to February. Before using it, familiarize yourself with the instructions and be watchful if you have children in the house. Keep them at a safe distance from anything flammable. When it comes to any flammable items, make sure that they are stored in a safe place and away from children and heat sources.
Other safety tips pertain to regular monitoring and checking of your smoke sensors and alarms as well as your fire extinguishers. They should always be in tip top condition and ready for use when the occasion arises. It would be better if your home has a sprinkler system installed. For your kids, buy them the acclaimed kid-friendly fire safety multi-purpose gadget, Herbie Hydrant unit.
Always remember that fire safety is a crucial element against the shocking effects of a fire. So take all the necessary precautions and preparations!
It is a smart move to plan ahead in this area. A lot of fire safety depends on simple measures which are easy to implement. If you can just imagine the number of people who die or get injured every year from fires which could have easily been prevented, it serves as a wake up call to immediately work out a fire educational and training program. As head of the family, it is your responsibility to make your home as safe as it can be. You cannot have the tranquility and peace in your mind and heart if you are aware that your place is a fire risk. What you need to do right away is to self-educate yourself in the subjects of fire hazards, fire prevention measures, safety facts and tips, use of fire sensors and detection units, having the necessary fire fighting equipments and emergency steps every family member has to take when fire strikes. If you have kids, they have to know what to do, like your planned escape routes and where to meet in the event of any fire outbreak.
Inspection of all your electrical outlets, wirings, appliances by a licensed and qualified electrician is the best thing you have to do. Common fires happen because of faulty electrical wirings and inappropriate use of electrical devices. If your outlets are overloaded with many electrical appliances, it can be a fire hazard. Your home should also have ground fault or arch fault circuit interrupters. If there are children around, make sure that electrical outlets are covered with necessary plastic covers when not in use.
There are other safety tips like keeping your appliances always in good condition, checking any leaks from any liquid petroleum gas containers, not allowing kids to use electrical gadgets by themselves without supervision and never let them play with lighters or matches. Keep your fireplaces in good condition and see to it that flames are put out. If you are a cigarette smoker, be careful in throwing cigarettes still lighted in trash cans and never smoke in bed. Also, be careful in handling candles and installing inferior electrical lightings on your Christmas tree.
With regards to the kitchen, it is one place most likely to be the source of fire breakout such as grease fire. So be careful in the handling of any kitchen appliances like oven, microwave, gas or electric stove, coffee pots, cooking oil, kerosene, etc. Always see to it that you don't forget to monitor whatever cooking or boiling is being done in the kitchen.
It has been noted that fire incidents caused by portable space heaters arise during the months of December to February. Before using it, familiarize yourself with the instructions and be watchful if you have children in the house. Keep them at a safe distance from anything flammable. When it comes to any flammable items, make sure that they are stored in a safe place and away from children and heat sources.
Other safety tips pertain to regular monitoring and checking of your smoke sensors and alarms as well as your fire extinguishers. They should always be in tip top condition and ready for use when the occasion arises. It would be better if your home has a sprinkler system installed. For your kids, buy them the acclaimed kid-friendly fire safety multi-purpose gadget, Herbie Hydrant unit.
Always remember that fire safety is a crucial element against the shocking effects of a fire. So take all the necessary precautions and preparations!