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Wear slippers inside and wear boots when looking for scorpions outside.footwear image by Marko Korac from Fotolia.com
Wear protective footwear when hunting scorpions in your home or on your property, particularly at night. Many homeowners first encounter a scorpion in their home by accidentally stepping on a nocturnal scorpion in the dark of night. Wear thick gloves if you plan to spray insecticide or handle scorpion carcasses. Gloves will protect your skin from contact with chemicals, and they will protect you from stings when removing scorpion bodies. - 2
Yellow or orange goggles help you detect scorpions in UV light.skiing goggles image by timur1970 from Fotolia.com
Locate scorpions at night with the use of a black light or special Ultra Violet flashlight. Scorpions come out more often at night and prefer the darkness. Their bodies reflect well in the light of a black light so you can detect them. A professional grade UV LED flashlight used in conjunction with tinted goggles will allow you to see scorpions at a distance up to 40 feet. - 3
Scorpions lie flat to sneak into tiny cracks in walls and foundations.scorpion image by Lo?¡¥c from Fotolia.com
Spray scorpions with a commercial insecticide that is approved to kill scorpions. Cyonara 9.7 and Demand CS contain the same active ingredient known as Lamdba-Cyhalothrin 9.7. Cyper WP or Bifen IT are two more insecticides which are effective against scorpions. Most insecticides come in either a liquid or powder form that can be sprayed directly on scorpions. You can also use insecticides to treat the perimeter of your home and cracks and crevices where scorpions might hide inside and outside the home. - 4
Crush scorpions under a heavy book or stone to avoid contact.Scorpione image by Illimity from Fotolia.com
Step on individual scorpions to kill them only if you happen to be wearing very sturdy shoes or boots with thick soles. Exercise extreme caution when trying to step on a scorpion, and be sure you have no holes in your shoes or loose pants fabric. A scorpion can easily grab onto your shoelace, sock or pant leg and hitch a ride to gain access to the flesh of your ankle or leg. Avoid an accidental sting by moving quickly and stomping hard with full force to kill the scorpion.