- Bed bugs got you sleepless?matratze 1 image by Carmen Steiner from Fotolia.com
Bed bugs are not truly harmful to humans; they are just extremely irritating. Their bite can cause minor pain and rashes in some people, but the biggest irritation of the bed bug is that it is mainly active at night and can make sleeping soundly a challenge. Many ways exist to exterminate bed bugs, and the success rate will depend on which method is chosen and how effectively it is put to use. - Fumigation is an effective method of extermination that many people use for bed bugs. Fumigation is similar to fogging but is more intense and will create the need for everyone to be out of the home for 24 hours. If the home is an apartment or condominium, the owner may need to seek the permission of the property owner before fumigating her home.
Fumigation is effective because it uses a high dose of insecticide that will kill the adult bed bugs and their eggs all at one time. The main drawback of fumigation is that it needs to be professionally done and can be costly. - Many over-the-counter insecticides are sold to rid the home of bed bugs. These products come in sprays, liquids, solids and powder form. When choosing an insecticide, read the label thoroughly before purchasing. Doing so will allow you to learn if the product will cause allergic reactions to certain individuals and if it can be used around children and pets, plus any other cautions and warnings that may pertain to the use of the product.
- Foggers are the DIY homeowner's fumigation method. Foggers are purchased over-the-counter and can be used by anyone. They are effective, but not as powerful as professional fumigation. It may take more than one application of the fogger to clear the home of bed bugs. Foggers will require the owner to vacate the home for a period from four to 24 hours, depending on the requirements of the manufacturer.
- Dusts or powders are generally the least toxic way to combat bed bug infestations. They are usually made of ground glass or silica powder and kill the bugs by rubbing the wax coating off the bug, causing it to dry out and die. Most dusts can be used around pets and children.