Home & Garden: best house alarm systems on the market

best house alarm systems on the market

Burglars will always be on the lookout for the next home to victimize. These people monitor your every move and will strike at a time least expected. The National Home Security Council stated that a ...

Home & Garden: Keeping it Secure

Keeping it Secure

In this day and age it is very important that you have a good security fence. Luckily, there are now many different types available and no matter how much money you have to spend you are likely to be able to find one that fits in with your budget.

Home & Garden: Humane Rat Removal

Humane Rat Removal

Rodent and rat infestations can dishearten homeowners and cause serious property damage. To get rid of rats, you don't have to use traditional snap or glue traps, that kill or cruelly injure them. There are many less violent ways to remove rats from your home -- while you humanely deter new rats fro

Home & Garden: What Should I Need To Know In Buying Mortgage Insurance?

What Should I Need To Know In Buying Mortgage Insurance?

In the United Kingdom, one type of insurance which is currently gaining ground is the mortgage insurance or also known as the mortgage protection insurance or commonly known as MPPI. Since it is curre

Home & Garden: Advancements in Home Security

Advancements in Home Security

Home security has changed dramatically in the last 10-15 years. In times not that far gone, a good lock on your door was enough to keep your home and family safe. Those were much simpler ...

Home & Garden: Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Rats

Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Rats

Rats are bothersome and sometimes frightening rodents that like to live in the insulation of your home, inside crawl spaces, underneath floorboards, in basements or areas that contain lots of boxes, in cupboards where food is kept, and in areas where garbage is stored. If you have noticed rat fecal

Home & Garden: How to Improve the Security of Your Apartment

How to Improve the Security of Your Apartment

Security for some apartment dwellers is often considered perilous at best. Crimes are easier to commit in apartment buildings because so many people come and go, and it's much tougher to keep nonresidents out. And it's impossible to know who should and shouldn't be walking down the hall of an apartm

Home & Garden: How to Use a Radon Test Kit in Your Home

How to Use a Radon Test Kit in Your Home

Radon is a radioactive gas that can build up to high levels in homes located in areas of strong concentration. High concentrations occur in all geographic areas, so the only way to find out if your home has a high level is to test. The health hazards can be severe--radon is thought to be the second

Home & Garden: ADA Fire Alarm Mounting Requirements

ADA Fire Alarm Mounting Requirements

Fire alarm's must be accessible by anyone.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesThe Americans with Disabilities Act is a body of legislation that ensures that those with physical disabilities have equal access to services. One of the issues that the ADA often worries about regarding fire...

Home & Garden: Old House Smell Removal

Old House Smell Removal

Old houses absorb odors from pets, cooking food and everyday life. The house may also become musty if it's not used or lived in for a long period of time. One strategy for removing smells involves getting other substances to absorb the offending odors.

Home & Garden: What Are the Benefits of Going Green in Your Home?

What Are the Benefits of Going Green in Your Home?

"Going green" is a quickly becoming a growing trend among many homeowners for a variety of reasons. Many wonder what going green in their home really means and how it can benefit them. There is an array of benefits of going green in your home. Benefits range from saving money, saving the...

Home & Garden: How to Rid your Home of Earwigs

How to Rid your Home of Earwigs

While earwigs might look kind of creepy, they are actually beneficial in the garden. They consume common pests such as aphids, snails and nighttime pests. But if they start trying to make their home in your house, it's time to take some action. You have a couple of simple courses of action you can t