- "Going green" is a quickly becoming a growing trend among many homeowners for a variety of reasons. Many wonder what going green in their home really means and how it can benefit them. There is an array of benefits of going green in your home. Benefits range from saving money, saving the earth and saving yourself and your family.
- When you go green in your home, you use less energy, natural resources and water. You benefit from lower utility bills, annual savings and even some additional tax benefits. Utility companies and even some banks make it available for customers to save money by receiving electronic statements in their emails versus paper statements. Local and state governments and even the federal government offer residents and citizens tax breaks for going green in your home. Going green even affects homeowners selling their home. A green home will have a higher value on the market then a home that is not green.
- Energy efficient dishwashers and washing machines can save water by up to 50 percent. Installing low flow shower heads and faucets use less than two gallons of water a minute. While many of the "green" appliances cost more, they will save you more in the long run.
- Replace standard thermostats with digital thermostats. Save more on your heating and cooling bill by setting the temperature to a cool temperature at night and a more comfortable temperature during the day. The setting varies depending on the season.
Heating and cooling is approximately 20 percent of the energy use in the United States. Electronics and household appliances are also added to the list. Even when they are turned off they still consume energy which is called "phantom loads". - Many of around the world is unaware of the dangers in using many common cleaning products used around the home. Air fresheners, paints, disinfectants, etc. contain dangerous carcinogens which are poisonous and toxic chemicals that affect the health of children, pets and even ourselves. These chemicals are dangerous outside and inside the home. Many of these chemicals seep into lakes, rivers, streams that can then be found in our drinking water. A home that is labeled green is made of and uses non-toxic, all natural products and materials which promotes a healthier environment and a healthier you.
- Teach children at a young age to conserve water during showers by installing a special shower head which can be set on a timer to turn off after a specified amount of time.
Change out standard light bulbs with more energy efficient ones. Change out your current appliances with ones that are also more energy efficient.
Save Money
Conserve Water
Heating and Cooling
Healthy Family
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