Home & Garden: Loft Space Ideas

Loft Space Ideas

Use chandeliers to fill up large, open areas in the loft.Chandelier image by MAXFX from Fotolia.comLoft spaces feature unconventional, open floor plans that make them historically popular with artists and gallery owners. More recently, loft apartments have become trendy for private...

Home & Garden: Lady Bugs for the Garden

Lady Bugs for the Garden

Also known as a ladybird or lady beetle, the cheerful red ladybug is one of a gardener's best friends. This beneficial beetle loves to eat aphids, mites and other insects, as well as their eggs, helping to keep your garden free of leaf-munching pests.

Home & Garden: Columbus Fireplaces - Ideas for Designing Them

Columbus Fireplaces - Ideas for Designing Them

Planning to build a fireplace? The fireplace designing is a step involved in the designing of a landscape for the outdoors. Thus, while planning the landscape, one should decide if he wants a fireplace or ...

Home & Garden: How to Advertise Your Yard Sale Online

How to Advertise Your Yard Sale Online

Yard sales are an opportunity to try and sell home items that you no longer use or want. Weekend shoppers look for inexpensive or hard-to-find used books, vintage jewelry, vinyl records, lamps, furniture and other items.Online resources to list your yard or garage sale are easy to use.

Home & Garden: Speed Dome Cameras and Their Significance

Speed Dome Cameras and Their Significance

Security cameras are made to track the movement of people or things for security purposes. Without them, more people will be tempted to do things that they are not supposed to do. Many people have different approaches to reduce or eliminate these instances but security cameras are one of the most ef

Home & Garden: Fire Danger From Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Fire Danger From Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

If you are looking for ways to reduce your energy consumption, you might consider using compact fluorescent light bulbs in your lamps at home. These bulbs offer advantages including a reduced source of fire danger.

Home & Garden: Fire Safety Tips for Heat Lamps

Fire Safety Tips for Heat Lamps

Heat lamps can be a valuable tool for gradually warming yourself, or for keeping a pet warm. Heat lamps are also used when caring for birds and reptiles, as the low light and deep heat can aid their development and improve their living conditions. It is important to remember that a heat...

Home & Garden: How to Keep Mice Out of Drawers

How to Keep Mice Out of Drawers

Mice scurry around throughout the home, fitting into small cracks and crevices. The mice often get into drawers, and you don't realize it until you open it and see droppings left behind. Your drawers are intended to give you a safe storage space that protects your belongings, so use safe methods tha

Home & Garden: Is Home Video Surveillance Right For You?

Is Home Video Surveillance Right For You?

Smile: you are being filmed.Whether in the grocery store or taking cash out of the ATM, chances are you're being video-recorded.Not for posterity, mind you.The footage will be erased and reused soon enough.But if something happens, you'll be on film for all the world to see.

Home & Garden: DIY Home Security Systems 101

DIY Home Security Systems 101

Do you want a hardwired system or a wireless system? This is probably the most important question you will have to answer. A hardwired system is not typically a system that can be installed by the average homeowner.

Home & Garden: How to Convert a Twist & Lock Receptacle to a 3 Prong Plug

How to Convert a Twist & Lock Receptacle to a 3 Prong Plug

Electrical plugs and receptacles in the U.S. are manufactured in accordance with the standards set by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. NEMA plugs are generally classified as locking or non-locking (straight blade) plugs. Locking plugs have a twist-and-lock mechanism that allows the

Home & Garden: The Effects of Breathing in Black Mold

The Effects of Breathing in Black Mold

The majority of mold species that grow inside homes poses no harm to humans, but certain strains called mycotoxins can cause potentially serious health conditions in humans after prolonged exposure. Medical complications resulting from mold exposure occur through inhalation of mold spores, so if you

Home & Garden: Ways to Save on Burglar Alarm Systems

Ways to Save on Burglar Alarm Systems

An in depth, helpful article on ways to save money when getting a home security or automation system. Ways to save by price checking, insurance deductions, energy conservation and shopping locally.

Home & Garden: Home Remedies for Roaches

Home Remedies for Roaches

Roaches are a nuisance. Nobody would argue with that point. Many homeowners, though, prefer not to use expensive, toxic pesticides to get rid of the nasty little critters. A number of remedies for a roach problem may be no further away than kitchen or bathroom cabinets.

Home & Garden: How To Get Out of a Car Lock Out

How To Get Out of a Car Lock Out

Being locked out of your car is a hassle. Fortunately there are ways to get out of the potentially dangerous situation. There are tricks on how to unlock your car but best of all you can call a locksm

Home & Garden: How to Secure Your Home Without Even Installing a Security System

How to Secure Your Home Without Even Installing a Security System

Alright, so you caught me, I will admit it.Even if you have the most advanced, fully wired camera and bio-security system, you can still have your home broken into.I can tell this might upset some of you who just spent thousands of dollars on installing the best security system that the market sells

Home & Garden: A Natural Way to Get Rid of Ants in the House

A Natural Way to Get Rid of Ants in the House

Most homeowners tolerate the occasional anthill outside in the garden, but when ants begin to migrate indoors, you have to take action. Numerous natural ant control methods offer adequate assistance without the harsh and often dangerous chemicals that insecticides contain. A homeowner may need to ut

Home & Garden: How to Remove Halogen Bulbs

How to Remove Halogen Bulbs

Many consumers have switched to halogen bulbs to conserve energy and save money and time. Halogen lights burn longer and create purer, whiter light. However, even halogen bulbs will eventually burn out. When they do, you must take care to remove the old light safely and effectively.