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Find places to list your yard sale online.internet image by Attila Toro from Fotolia.com
Type "Yard Sale Advertisement" in an Internet search site window. Hit enter. A list of options will display. - 2
Have the date and time of your yard sale prepared for easy listing.typing #6 image by Adam Borkowski from Fotolia.com
Click on a link for listing a yard sale. - 3
Describe the most interesting things that will be available at your yard sale.train as toys image by Ivonne Wierink from Fotolia.com
Type in the information requested, which usually asks for contact details, location, date and time of the sale and any remarks, such as specific items being offered at the sale. - 4
Vintage objects are usually popular at yard sales.Close up of old Vinyl Records - focus on the record image by Andrew Brown from Fotolia.com
List a title for your yard sale. Think of something clever that will catch people's attention. You can make it personal and name it after yourself or you focus on items that could draw people's attention. An example would be "1000s of Vinyl Records Must Go!" - 5
At the end of the sale, you may have a lot of money to count.cash image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.com
Write a description of your yard sale. Include items you think are rare, valuable or collectible to encourage more people to visit your sale.