- 1). Sprinkle talc powder or crumbled up dried mint leaves along trails used by ants. Ants trails are actually chemical markers laid by the first ant to discover a source of nutrition. This is why homeowners often see the ants traveling, single file, along a single path. Ants do not like the smell of mint, so they will avoid it; they also do not like traversing through talc. By adding mint, you make the ants' trail impassible; the ants will often stop making their way into the house via the mint-marred trail.
- 2). Draw a chalk line in front of ant trails or other locations where they are entering the house. Ants will not walk through chalk.
- 3). Place cinnamon sticks into the pantry or in bowls on the countertop where ants frequent. Ants do not like the smell of cinnamon; it a natural deterrent.
- 4). Peel cloves of garlic and crush them. Place them in small bowls near ant trails, windows or doors where ants enter. Ants do not like the smell of garlic and will avoid it. Replace the garlic every two or three days with fresh garlic.
- 5). Clean areas with white vinegar. Ants do not like the smell of vinegar and will avoid any area that has been thoroughly wiped down with vinegar.
- 6). Brew a batch of peppermint tea and place it in a spray bottle. Spray ant trails and entry points with the tea. Ants will avoid the smell.
- 7). Grow fresh mint in a window box if ants gain entry through the window corners. Ants do not like fresh mint and will avoid the window.
- 8). Mix borax with granulated sugar at a ratio of 1 to 1. Place the mixture into small bowls or sprinkle along ant trials. The ants will take the substance back to the nest, where it will prove toxic.
- 9). Sprinkle diatomaceous earth along ant entry points. The substance will cut up ants as they pass through it. It is not harmful to people or pets, however. Only a few pinches to the area is required to damage the ants.