- Using home remedies is ideal because the ingredients are readily available, inexpensive and usually nontoxic.
- Cucumber peels are touted to repel roaches. Place them around counters and under cabinets.
- Boric Acid can be bought at hardware stores and pharmacies. Sprinkle the powder along the trails roaches follow. Be sure to sprinkle into cracks and crevices. Keep Boric Acid away from pets and children.
- Smear petroleum jelly around the inner rim of a jar. Drop a few peelings from an apple, potato or banana into the jar, then leave it out overnight where roaches have been seen. Roaches will climb in, but they can't climb out. Dump them into a bucket or bowl of soapy water to kill them.
- Soak one clove garlic, one onion, and one tablespoon cayenne pepper in one quart water for one hour. After soaking add one tablespoon of liquid soap, pour mixture into spray bottle then spray around the house.
- Mix equal parts baking powder and confectioner's sugar. Put this mixture out on small lids on counter tops and under cabinets for bait.
- Make roach baits. Mix together syrup and yeast granules to make a paste. Drop globs onto jar lids and place along counter tops against the wall or under cabinets.
Boric Acid
First Recipe
Second Recipe
Third Recipe