Health & Medical: Getting the Real Scoop About High Cholesterol Natural Remedies

Getting the Real Scoop About High Cholesterol Natural Remedies

For some the idea of high cholesterol natural remedies simply doesn't compute. Why not just go to the doctor and get a prescription medication? Why bother with that all this natural stuff when I can have my cake and eat it too!

Health & Medical: green tea and artery health

green tea and artery health

New mouse studies show that EGCG in green tea can slow the build-up of artery-clogging plaque.

Health & Medical: Is it Time For a Home Cholesterol Test?

Is it Time For a Home Cholesterol Test?

Keeping an eye on cholesterol levels is an important part of maintaining an optimal level of health and preventing serious illnesses such as heart disease and heart attacks. Available in medical clinics as well as in a home cholesterol test, it's now convenient and easy for everyone to keep tra

Health & Medical: Wine Could Reduce High Level of Cholesterol

Wine Could Reduce High Level of Cholesterol

Cholesterol control could be an enjoyable experience for those who take liquors, as wine is the newly inducted remedy for controlling high cholesterol. It sounds unbelievable but it has been proven that intake of wine could reduce high level of bad cholesterol.

Health & Medical: Tai Chi Benefits Heart Patients

Tai Chi Benefits Heart Patients

Tai chi, often called “meditation in motion” as the physical movements are slow and gentle and require concentration, seems to improve the quality of life in people with heart failure, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School.

Health & Medical: Foods That Contain Bad Cholesterol

Foods That Contain Bad Cholesterol

When we are talking about foods that contain bad cholesterol what we are really describing are foods high in saturated fat. As a general rule for anyone trying to achieve heart and artery health, saturated fat intake shouldn't exceed...

Health & Medical: The Effect of Diabetes on Coronary Heart Disease

The Effect of Diabetes on Coronary Heart Disease

Diabetes is currently the fifth deadliest disease in the United States. Diabetes increases the likelihood of developing Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), which is the leading cause of death for diabetics.

Health & Medical: Escape from True Stent Jail by Use of the Rotablator

Escape from True Stent Jail by Use of the Rotablator

Although coronary artery stenting has led to a reduction in acute complications and late restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, stenosis or occlusion of sidebranches which exit the stented area may result.

Health & Medical: Raise HDL Cholesterol - Increase Your Good Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Raise HDL Cholesterol - Increase Your Good Cholesterol Levels Naturally

HDL cholesterol is the beneficial kind that your doctor's will encourage you to raise as much as you can. When you raise your HDL cholesterol levels, you can protect yourself from a variety of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and possibly even dementia and memory loss.

Health & Medical: Stressed-Out Types Put Heart at Risk

Stressed-Out Types Put Heart at Risk

People who constantly feel anxious or distressed have a higher risk of heart problems than people with a more easygoing personality.