In the United States, it is estimated that over 80 million individuals have some type of cardiovascular disease.
Losing weight and exercising regularly are the first steps to preventing heart disease, but recent research indicates that dietary changes can minimize your risk of developing a cardiovascular condition.
Fortunately, by implementing the dietary changes that follow, you can significantly minimize your risk of having a heart attack.
Garlic One food that has been found to reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke is garlic.
Garlic contains a compound called S-allyl-L-cysteine (SAC), which is thought to provide protection from heart disease.
Garlic also helps to lower overall cholesterol levels, while increasing levels of HDL, the beneficial cholesterol.
Ginger A herb that may provide protection from cardiovascular disease is the ginger.
Not only does ginger help to lower blood cholesterol levels, it also helps prevent clumping of blood platelets.
Fish Oil Fish oil, which contains an essential fatty acid, omega-3, has been found to provide protection from heart disease.
Omega-3 fatty acids belong to a good category of fats, called polyunsaturated fats.
Amino Acids There are several amino acids, which are thought to play an important role for good heart health.
One of these, L-argine, enhances blood flow and improves endothelial activity.
Vitamins Certain vitamins may help prevent free radical damage to heart tissue, which can occur during a heart attack or a stroke.
One antioxidant that may prove effective in minimizing free radical damage is vitamin E.
In laboratory research, it was found to improve ventricular function following an ischemic attack.
When taken with vitamin C, it may be even more effective than when taken alone.
Some other vitamins that may prove helpful are the B family of vitamins, B2, B6 and folic acid, 6.
Grape Seed Extract Polyphonols found in grape seed extract have been shown to exhibit antioxidant capabilities, and, additionally, ensure proper functioning of blood vessels.
In the 1970s, it was discovered that the French had lower levels of heart disease than their surrounding countries did, even though their diets were essentially similar.
Upon closer examination, it was found that the average Frenchman drank wine with every meal.
And wine contains polyphonols.
Ginkgo Biloba The herb ginkgo biloba also demonstrates cardioprotective effects.
In research done at the University of Milan, laboratory animals that were given 300 mg/kg/d of ginkgo, saw significant increases in antioxidant levels in their blood.
In addition, when an ischemic state was created in these animals, there was a 50% recovery rate in the ginkgo group, versus a 35% recovery rate in the control group.
Soluble Fiber Eating soluble fiber can help reduce your risk of heart attack.
It binds with cholesterol in the blood, where it is subsequently eliminated from the body.
Some good sources of soluble fiber include oatmeal, various types of beans, grapefruit, oranges, blackberries and apples.
Minerals There are certain minerals that are important for normal heart function.
Magnesium is one mineral that protects against coronary heart disease, by helping to prevent heart spasms.
It is also required for a healthy contraction of the heart muscle.
Other minerals essential for normal heart function are calcium, chromium, copper, selenium and zinc.
Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 is a potent, free radical scavenger.
It helps contribute to the burning of fats by transporting them to the mitochondria in our cells.
And, of course, by releasing levels of fats in the blood, you minimize a risk factor for heart disease.
Although there is no guarantee that you won't have a heart attack, it is estimated that by eating a heart healthy diet, you can minimize your risk of having one by 80%.
Considering that heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States, makes this statistic even more newsworthy.
For more information on grape seed extract, visit: http://www.
Losing weight and exercising regularly are the first steps to preventing heart disease, but recent research indicates that dietary changes can minimize your risk of developing a cardiovascular condition.
Fortunately, by implementing the dietary changes that follow, you can significantly minimize your risk of having a heart attack.
Garlic One food that has been found to reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke is garlic.
Garlic contains a compound called S-allyl-L-cysteine (SAC), which is thought to provide protection from heart disease.
Garlic also helps to lower overall cholesterol levels, while increasing levels of HDL, the beneficial cholesterol.
Ginger A herb that may provide protection from cardiovascular disease is the ginger.
Not only does ginger help to lower blood cholesterol levels, it also helps prevent clumping of blood platelets.
Fish Oil Fish oil, which contains an essential fatty acid, omega-3, has been found to provide protection from heart disease.
Omega-3 fatty acids belong to a good category of fats, called polyunsaturated fats.
Amino Acids There are several amino acids, which are thought to play an important role for good heart health.
One of these, L-argine, enhances blood flow and improves endothelial activity.
Vitamins Certain vitamins may help prevent free radical damage to heart tissue, which can occur during a heart attack or a stroke.
One antioxidant that may prove effective in minimizing free radical damage is vitamin E.
In laboratory research, it was found to improve ventricular function following an ischemic attack.
When taken with vitamin C, it may be even more effective than when taken alone.
Some other vitamins that may prove helpful are the B family of vitamins, B2, B6 and folic acid, 6.
Grape Seed Extract Polyphonols found in grape seed extract have been shown to exhibit antioxidant capabilities, and, additionally, ensure proper functioning of blood vessels.
In the 1970s, it was discovered that the French had lower levels of heart disease than their surrounding countries did, even though their diets were essentially similar.
Upon closer examination, it was found that the average Frenchman drank wine with every meal.
And wine contains polyphonols.
Ginkgo Biloba The herb ginkgo biloba also demonstrates cardioprotective effects.
In research done at the University of Milan, laboratory animals that were given 300 mg/kg/d of ginkgo, saw significant increases in antioxidant levels in their blood.
In addition, when an ischemic state was created in these animals, there was a 50% recovery rate in the ginkgo group, versus a 35% recovery rate in the control group.
Soluble Fiber Eating soluble fiber can help reduce your risk of heart attack.
It binds with cholesterol in the blood, where it is subsequently eliminated from the body.
Some good sources of soluble fiber include oatmeal, various types of beans, grapefruit, oranges, blackberries and apples.
Minerals There are certain minerals that are important for normal heart function.
Magnesium is one mineral that protects against coronary heart disease, by helping to prevent heart spasms.
It is also required for a healthy contraction of the heart muscle.
Other minerals essential for normal heart function are calcium, chromium, copper, selenium and zinc.
Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 is a potent, free radical scavenger.
It helps contribute to the burning of fats by transporting them to the mitochondria in our cells.
And, of course, by releasing levels of fats in the blood, you minimize a risk factor for heart disease.
Although there is no guarantee that you won't have a heart attack, it is estimated that by eating a heart healthy diet, you can minimize your risk of having one by 80%.
Considering that heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States, makes this statistic even more newsworthy.
For more information on grape seed extract, visit: http://www.