Are you fearful of having a heart attack because you have heart disease? Perhaps you think you can not do anything to forestall it since heart disease runs in your family.
For millions of people worldwide, this is a very real concern.
It is difficult in these times to meet an adult who does not suffer from some form of heart disease.
Unfortunately, some doctors are still treating patients the old-fashioned way they were taught in med school But as science has progressed, new ideas have been put into practice that may, hopefully, stem the rising tide of heart disease in this country as well as other countries.
Our best hope to accomplish this is to attack the risk factors to the best of our ability.
Here are 5 tips for getting on track to fight the heart disease epidemic: 1.
Quit Smoking--The toxic chemicals added to cigarettes make smoking a huge risk factor.
Walk,,,Then Walk Some More--A good way to implement an exercise program is by walking.
Start slowly and gradually build up your walking time..
Get Rid of Stress--Stress is also a large risk factor for heart problems..
A good rule to follow is this: If you can change a situation you don't like, change it.
If it seems there is no solution, then learn to live with it, put it out of your mind, but DO NOT stress over it.
4 Do NOt Go on a Low Fat Diet--Drop the hydrogenated.
oil and oils in most fried foods, pastries, etc.
Replace the bad fats with good fats, like coconut oil, olive oil, salmon and nuts like macadamia, walnuts, and almonds.
5 Do NOT be afraid of saturated fat (in reasonable amounts).
Contrary to popular belief, saturated fat does not cause heart disease.
In reality, it is caused by processed foods, over abundance of refined carbs, and sugars.
This creates a real problem, as these types of foods are so readily available.
If you can, replace the refined carbs with good carbs such as are in veggies.
These include: asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower,etc.
Fruits are also a good source of good carbs, such as: apricots, strawberries, blueberries,etc.
Any of these tips that you can apply to your lifestyle can get you closer to a lifetime of healthy living.
For millions of people worldwide, this is a very real concern.
It is difficult in these times to meet an adult who does not suffer from some form of heart disease.
Unfortunately, some doctors are still treating patients the old-fashioned way they were taught in med school But as science has progressed, new ideas have been put into practice that may, hopefully, stem the rising tide of heart disease in this country as well as other countries.
Our best hope to accomplish this is to attack the risk factors to the best of our ability.
Here are 5 tips for getting on track to fight the heart disease epidemic: 1.
Quit Smoking--The toxic chemicals added to cigarettes make smoking a huge risk factor.
Walk,,,Then Walk Some More--A good way to implement an exercise program is by walking.
Start slowly and gradually build up your walking time..
Get Rid of Stress--Stress is also a large risk factor for heart problems..
A good rule to follow is this: If you can change a situation you don't like, change it.
If it seems there is no solution, then learn to live with it, put it out of your mind, but DO NOT stress over it.
4 Do NOt Go on a Low Fat Diet--Drop the hydrogenated.
oil and oils in most fried foods, pastries, etc.
Replace the bad fats with good fats, like coconut oil, olive oil, salmon and nuts like macadamia, walnuts, and almonds.
5 Do NOT be afraid of saturated fat (in reasonable amounts).
Contrary to popular belief, saturated fat does not cause heart disease.
In reality, it is caused by processed foods, over abundance of refined carbs, and sugars.
This creates a real problem, as these types of foods are so readily available.
If you can, replace the refined carbs with good carbs such as are in veggies.
These include: asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower,etc.
Fruits are also a good source of good carbs, such as: apricots, strawberries, blueberries,etc.
Any of these tips that you can apply to your lifestyle can get you closer to a lifetime of healthy living.