Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Discover How to Lower Cholesterol - Important Techniques For You to Use

Let me tell you a story that will help you understand how to lower cholesterol without having to resort to dangerous medicines.
Several years ago, after an annual lipid test was performed on my blood, I received a call from the nurse with an urgent tone and voice.
She told me my triglycerides were over 750 and that she had never seen them that high before.
The tone in her voice actually scared me into taking action.
You see, my cholesterol levels were also high and it became clear to me that I had to do something about.
Well, as it turned out, others in her office had seen them that high before, but still I decided to take some action.
Ignorantly, I reduced my fat intake (both, healthy fats as well as saturated fats) as low as I could get them.
As I later learned how to lower cholesterol in a healthy way, I realized that these extreme measures were not the way to go.
If you have found that you have high cholesterol, it is best to educate yourself before overreacting.
For instance, are you aware that there are ways of eating to lower cholesterol that are every bit as effective as cholesterol medication? Did you know that healthy fats such as those found in nuts will actually help reduce high cholesterol, not complicate the problem? Nuts are effective cholesterol lowering foods due to the high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that they contain combined with with high fiber content.
Mixing some walnuts into a bowl of hot cereal in the morning is a great way to begin eating to lower cholesterol.
There are also many other steps you can take that I discuss on my website.
Instead of resorting to cholesterol medication, learning how to lower cholesterol readings naturally is the wisest thing you can do.
Oh, and by the way.
Three months later when I had my cholesterol checked again, my triglycerides were within the acceptable range.
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