What is a good ratio for LDL to HDL? It is the ratio that is used to compare good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
The ideal level is a count above 0.
4, however it is advisable to keep it above 0.
3 at all times.
These ratios have been disputed in the medical community, with the absolute cholesterol numbers being said to be more effective in determining good health or chances of developing heart disease.
To understand LDL to HDL ration much better, it is worth noting that the late is the good cholesterol while the former is the bad cholesterol.
HDL is beneficial to the body as it collects extra and unnecessary fats in the body and returns it to the liver where it is processed and eliminated from the system.
LDL works by transporting fats in the body.
However if it is left to accumulate in the body over time, it causes atherosclerosis.
The condition is associated with the hardening and narrowing of blood vessels in the circulatory systems which leads to the development of heart diseases or stroke.
LDL to HDL ration compares the level of bad fats to good fats as found in the body.
To determine the ratio, LDL cholesterol is divided into HDL cholesterol.
A cholesterol level scale or charts is used to measure fat levels in the blood.
It measures various levels of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides and cholesterol ratios.
The ratio has been said to be an effective tool for predicting illnesses such as heart attack, heart disease, coronary artery and cardiovascular diseases.
A simple method for a person to get their ratio if they have HDL level of 50 mg per dl and LDL level of 150 mg per dl is to divide the 50 into 150.
This gives a ratio of 0.
In addition to getting this ratio, patients and health practitioners are encouraged to obtain absolute numbers of HDL and LDL as well.
Using both the ratio and absolute levels allows health care providers to access the extent of the condition better.
It also helps in planning for treatment in the event that a patient is at risk of developing heart disease.
As it is known that the higher the ratio, the lower the chances of the person suffering from heart illness, it is better to engage in practices that maintain that level.
Understanding or knowledge about what is a good ratio for LDL to HDL can help to prevent heart illness.
The ideal level is a count above 0.
4, however it is advisable to keep it above 0.
3 at all times.
These ratios have been disputed in the medical community, with the absolute cholesterol numbers being said to be more effective in determining good health or chances of developing heart disease.
To understand LDL to HDL ration much better, it is worth noting that the late is the good cholesterol while the former is the bad cholesterol.
HDL is beneficial to the body as it collects extra and unnecessary fats in the body and returns it to the liver where it is processed and eliminated from the system.
LDL works by transporting fats in the body.
However if it is left to accumulate in the body over time, it causes atherosclerosis.
The condition is associated with the hardening and narrowing of blood vessels in the circulatory systems which leads to the development of heart diseases or stroke.
LDL to HDL ration compares the level of bad fats to good fats as found in the body.
To determine the ratio, LDL cholesterol is divided into HDL cholesterol.
A cholesterol level scale or charts is used to measure fat levels in the blood.
It measures various levels of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides and cholesterol ratios.
The ratio has been said to be an effective tool for predicting illnesses such as heart attack, heart disease, coronary artery and cardiovascular diseases.
A simple method for a person to get their ratio if they have HDL level of 50 mg per dl and LDL level of 150 mg per dl is to divide the 50 into 150.
This gives a ratio of 0.
In addition to getting this ratio, patients and health practitioners are encouraged to obtain absolute numbers of HDL and LDL as well.
Using both the ratio and absolute levels allows health care providers to access the extent of the condition better.
It also helps in planning for treatment in the event that a patient is at risk of developing heart disease.
As it is known that the higher the ratio, the lower the chances of the person suffering from heart illness, it is better to engage in practices that maintain that level.
Understanding or knowledge about what is a good ratio for LDL to HDL can help to prevent heart illness.