Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Getting the Real Scoop About High Cholesterol Natural Remedies

For some the idea of high cholesterol natural remedies simply doesn't compute.
Why not just go to the doctor and get a prescription medication? Why bother with that all this natural stuff when I can have my cake and eat it too! For most of these fine, and well meaning people who share this view, one thing is for sure, they are serious about the cake.
But treating cholesterol without at least implementing some lifestyle modification is like trying to hammer a small nail with a sledge hammer.
On the other hand if you have a giant nail to hammer, perhaps a sledge hammer is needed.
For others, especially those trying to live a healthy lifestyle, high cholesterol natural remedies are a very appealing alternative treatment option.
And despite the negative accusations of pundits there is good evidence to support their effectiveness.
Right at the top of everyone's list of high cholesterol natural remedies is dietary fiber.
To date there have been well over 50 separate research studies confirming dietary fiber as a formidable player on the field of cholesterol reduction.
The three that have garnered the most attention are pectin (apples, pears, pomegranates), guar gum (a plant based sticky fiber cultivated in India), and psyllium (plantago seed or plantain seed).
It is important to point out that some people are allergic to psyllium so check with your doctor before going whole hog on high cholesterol natural remedies containing psyllium.
Garlic: I almost left garlic out of the mix due to the mixed research and the bad breath and body odor it causes.
Nevertheless, many natural health advocates believe garlic to not only be very helpful for reducing cholesterol but for its other health benefits as well.
If you are considering a garlic supplement additional research may be warranted.
Plant sterols: Plant sterols are similar in structure to cholesterol, and have been shown to reduce cholesterol absorption in the gut by competing for absorption.
The plant sterol beta-sitosterol has been shown to reduce cholesterol absorption by 50 percent thus lowering overall blood cholesterol levels.
Plants sterol have become popular as additives in products perceived to be high in cholesterol such as milk and butter.
There is some thought that the amount of plant sterol is too small to make a difference, thus negating any benefit.
Eat the peel: Have you been throwing that orange and lemon peel away? Well not so fast! Orange and lemon peels contain D-limonene that has been shown to reduce cholesterol.
It is also a natural remedy for gallstones.
Gallstones are made up of cholesterol.
In summary, there are some really great high cholesterol natural remedies backed by a mountain of well documented research.
Additionally, a handful of natural health companies have formulated products combining the most effective natural cholesterol lowering ingredients for maximum results.
While high cholesterol natural remedies may not be for everyone, they definitely are a drug free option that can produce excellent results, especially when combined with diet and exercise.
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