Health & Medical: Heart Disease Diet - Your Heart Healthy Diet Begins Today

Heart Disease Diet - Your Heart Healthy Diet Begins Today

If you have heart problems and are looking to begin a heart healthy diet in your life, then the first place to take a look at is the foods in your kitchen. Are they heart healthy? Do they promote good cardiovascular health or are they contributors to poor circulation, sluggish metabolism, cholestero

Health & Medical: Earlobe Creases and Heart Disease

Earlobe Creases and Heart Disease

People know that having high cholesterol and blood pressure can lead to heart disease, but according to one doctor's studies, physical traits, such as the creases in an earlobe, can be a factor.

Health & Medical: How You Can Lower Cholesterol Without Medication

How You Can Lower Cholesterol Without Medication

Here are things you can do to lower your cholesterol without taking medication. For instance do you know what sterols are and how they can help lower your cholesterol? What kinds of fats are actually good for you. Find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Health & Medical: Heart Attack Prevention

Heart Attack Prevention

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of preventing heart attacks including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Normal Blood Pressure Reading Know-How

Normal Blood Pressure Reading Know-How

It is difficult to pinpoint a single cause for high blood pressure, as many factors usually coincideto produce the condition. For some, high blood pressure is inherited, and African-Americanssuffer more from high blood pressure, or hypertension, than Caucasians.

Health & Medical: Homeopathic Treatments for Heart Disease

Homeopathic Treatments for Heart Disease

Heart disease affects over 50 million people resulting in over 1.2 million Americans suffering heart attacks in 2006. Of the 1.2 million people there were over 425,000 deaths. The leading causes of heart disease can be detected and treated with modern day medicines. However, many people around the w

Health & Medical: Cardiology Heart Disease In Men And Its Prevention

Cardiology Heart Disease In Men And Its Prevention

Cardiology Heart Disease ranks second after cancer as the major cause of death in America. For men in general, cardiology heart disease is more likely than women. This is because men apparently, acquire cardiovascular disorders 10 to 15 years earlier than women do. Men are more likely to die at thei

Health & Medical: Life Expectancy of Someone With Congestive Heart Failure

Life Expectancy of Someone With Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure is a serious medical condition marked by failure of the heart to pump adequate blood to other parts of the body. It is a potentially fatal condition with a number of causes. Congestive heart failure can be treated in most cases, possibly extending a person's life expectancy.