The number of obese people in America is alarmingly high and it is also reported that the major cause of deaths has been due to heart diseases.
Most heart diseases are linked to high levels of cholesterol and a high level of cholesterol is the major cause of heart attacks and strokes.
Therefore it's very important that you learn of various ways to keep your cholesterol level at normal levels.
Most people resort to drugs and medicines to lower their cholesterol, however, you can lower cholesterol by diet as well.
This article will explain to you some of the ways through which you can lower your cholesterol naturally and never have to take any medicine again.
The first main ingredient that helps tremendously is fiber.
Try to adopt a diet in which your fiber intake is high.
You can do this by adding more oatmeal to your meals.
Oatmeal consists of a soluble fiber which helps to reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body.
It reduces the amount of cholesterol that gets absorbed into your blood stream by trapping the LDL allowing it to be removed from the body as waste.
Try to aim for at least five to ten grams of soluble fiber each day.
You can also lower cholesterol by eating other high fiber food like prunes, barley, pears, apples and kidney beans.
You should know that there are two kinds of fats.
The first kind is the mostly termed Trans fat or saturated fat that is unhealthy and you should avoid.
However to lower cholesterol by diet you can eat the second type of fat which is healthy.
Omega - 3 fatty acids really help lower cholesterol.
It is present in fatty fish and it helps a lot in reducing blood clots and your blood pressure.
Therefore always aim for eating fatty fish at least 2 times in a week.
Check out all the different types of fish available and then go for the ones that are the highest in omega - 3 fatty acids as they will help more to.
Nuts are great to help lower cholesterol.
This is because they are very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids which are known to keep our blood vessels healthy.
Try incorporating nuts like almonds and walnuts into your recipes to give you a healthy twist in your meals that will contribute to lower cholesterol.
Just be careful you don't start eating too much as they are quite high in calories.
Finally the best ingredient to help lower cholesterol is olive oil.
It helps to keep your HDL at an appropriate level which is basically your good cholesterol and has the capability of lowering your bad cholesterol otherwise known as LDL.
There is a certain substance that is found in plants called sterols or stanols.
According to research these compounds minimize the absorption of cholesterol in your blood stream by blocking the absorption in the small intestine.
This can lower the LDL by 6-15% without lowering the good cholesterol or HDL.
These days you can find lots of food items that have been fortified with plant sterol.
You can find it in items like orange juice, and yogurt drinks.
Try drinking more of these fortified juices to help to lower your cholesterol by diet.
Most heart diseases are linked to high levels of cholesterol and a high level of cholesterol is the major cause of heart attacks and strokes.
Therefore it's very important that you learn of various ways to keep your cholesterol level at normal levels.
Most people resort to drugs and medicines to lower their cholesterol, however, you can lower cholesterol by diet as well.
This article will explain to you some of the ways through which you can lower your cholesterol naturally and never have to take any medicine again.
The first main ingredient that helps tremendously is fiber.
Try to adopt a diet in which your fiber intake is high.
You can do this by adding more oatmeal to your meals.
Oatmeal consists of a soluble fiber which helps to reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body.
It reduces the amount of cholesterol that gets absorbed into your blood stream by trapping the LDL allowing it to be removed from the body as waste.
Try to aim for at least five to ten grams of soluble fiber each day.
You can also lower cholesterol by eating other high fiber food like prunes, barley, pears, apples and kidney beans.
You should know that there are two kinds of fats.
The first kind is the mostly termed Trans fat or saturated fat that is unhealthy and you should avoid.
However to lower cholesterol by diet you can eat the second type of fat which is healthy.
Omega - 3 fatty acids really help lower cholesterol.
It is present in fatty fish and it helps a lot in reducing blood clots and your blood pressure.
Therefore always aim for eating fatty fish at least 2 times in a week.
Check out all the different types of fish available and then go for the ones that are the highest in omega - 3 fatty acids as they will help more to.
Nuts are great to help lower cholesterol.
This is because they are very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids which are known to keep our blood vessels healthy.
Try incorporating nuts like almonds and walnuts into your recipes to give you a healthy twist in your meals that will contribute to lower cholesterol.
Just be careful you don't start eating too much as they are quite high in calories.
Finally the best ingredient to help lower cholesterol is olive oil.
It helps to keep your HDL at an appropriate level which is basically your good cholesterol and has the capability of lowering your bad cholesterol otherwise known as LDL.
There is a certain substance that is found in plants called sterols or stanols.
According to research these compounds minimize the absorption of cholesterol in your blood stream by blocking the absorption in the small intestine.
This can lower the LDL by 6-15% without lowering the good cholesterol or HDL.
These days you can find lots of food items that have been fortified with plant sterol.
You can find it in items like orange juice, and yogurt drinks.
Try drinking more of these fortified juices to help to lower your cholesterol by diet.