Health & Medical: Have a Healthy Heart the Natural Way

Have a Healthy Heart the Natural Way

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in America, according to the American Heart Association. It is estimated that at least 100 million Americans have one or more of the risk factors associated with heart disease.

Health & Medical: Relation Between Stress and Heart Disease in Women

Relation Between Stress and Heart Disease in Women

Coronary heart disease is still considered the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among adults in most Western countries. Most people think that CHD is a predominantly male condition, however, statistics show that the number of women suffering from some type of heart disease is increasing. Mos

Health & Medical: Are You Taking Fish Oil For Heart Health?

Are You Taking Fish Oil For Heart Health?

Cardiovascular health and the associated diseases are still big health issues for many people in the developed world. Taking supplements is seen as a step in the right direction.

Health & Medical: Heart patients and Viagra

Heart patients and Viagra

Men with mild to moderate forms of heart failure may be able to safely use the drug Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction, a new study shows.

Health & Medical: High Cholesterol Foods and Heart Disease

High Cholesterol Foods and Heart Disease

If there is one word that is associated with potentially life threatening health issues it is cholesterol. There are numerous TV and print advertisements espousing the benefits of the latest cholesterol reducing drug and for good reasons.

Health & Medical: Lowering Cholesterol - Making Small Changes Can Make A Big Difference

Lowering Cholesterol - Making Small Changes Can Make A Big Difference

When a person has high cholesterol it basically means that there is too much fat floating around in the bloodstream. This fat, also known as blood lipids, circulates. Some of it tends to accumulate in areas of our arteries that have been scuffed or nicked; sometimes by cholesterol itself but not alw

Health & Medical: S-ICD: Game-Changer in Preventing Sudden Cardiac Death

S-ICD: Game-Changer in Preventing Sudden Cardiac Death

In this Medscape interview, Martin Burke discusses the new subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and why this device is important for both cardiologists and primary care physicians.

Health & Medical: Peripheral Arterial Disease of the Legs-Medications

Peripheral Arterial Disease of the Legs-Medications

Medicines are sometimes used to treat peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Cholesterol - lowering medicines may slow atherosclerosis, the main cause of PAD. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, you may need additional medicines; both of these conditions can speed up the development of ...

Health & Medical: New Born Heart Problems

New Born Heart Problems

In this article I will discuss about a common heart disease called congenital heart disease. I will try to cover most important types of this disease, causes and symptoms for heart disease conditions like this. This disease develops before you are born, because connection between venous and arterial

Health & Medical: Heart Disease - Part One - Causes and Symptoms

Heart Disease - Part One - Causes and Symptoms

Heart disease can be caused by many things. Family history plays a big part, but there are others. Stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity and other diseases can have a role. So does smoking and alcohol use. Any combination of them just makes it worse.

Health & Medical: Getting on a Low Cholesterol Diet

Getting on a Low Cholesterol Diet

If you are taking a look at an article like this one, perhaps you are not having success with other dietary approaches or you have recently been instructed by a medical professional to start paying more attention to the cholesterol in your diet. At any rate, you have found the low cholesterol diet a

Health & Medical: Vitamin D Levels Dramatically Lower Cardiovascular Risk

Vitamin D Levels Dramatically Lower Cardiovascular Risk

It has been widely reported that US deaths from cardiovascular disease has recently overtaken cancer as the Number 1 killer of people of all ages. The news media has been quick to blast these headlines everywhere. And the pharmaceutical companies are also quick to tell all who will listen that their