For most us eating is one of the unsung daily pleasures that add a little bit extra zest to our lives.
It is also something that if allowed to spiral out of control can cause us to meet an early demise and present quality of life issues long before the final chapter is written.
One of the health concerns that makes unhealthy eating such a health hazard is high cholesterol.
When a person has high cholesterol it basically means that there is too much fat floating around in the bloodstream.
This fat, also known as blood lipids, circulates some of it tends to accumulate in areas of our arteries that have been scuffed or nicked; sometimes by cholesterol itself but not always.
As you can see in order to avoid cholesterol trash piles accumulating in our arteries we must find ways to both lessen internal arterial damage and reduce the fat flowing through our veins.
But since eating is one of life's guilty pleasures asking someone who has been eating high saturated fat and high cholesterol foods to stop cold turkey in the name of achieving idea cholesterol levels might be more than they are willing to do.
On the other hand, if they thought they could make a number of small changes and start working towards idea cholesterol levels over time then it just might be something they would be willing to do.
I believe I was one of these of these people quite a number of years ago but little by little I have been able to whittle high cholesterol down until today my blood cholesterol levels comfortably reside in that sometimes elusive healthy range.
For me the key was in something I call bookending.
In other words I took dead aim at breakfast and nightly snacking.
It wasn't about doing away with these meals and snacks it was more about making a few small changes that ending up making a big difference.
There are many different ways to look at the causes of high cholesterol levels with most revolving around daily cholesterol intake.
But there is another component as well, and that is how much excess cholesterol your body is able to eliminate through waste as bile.
My plan involved a little of both.
Let's look a few small changes that made a big difference.
My first step in my bookend approach had to do with breakfast.
I had a bowl of oatmeal (helpful in eliminating cholesterol contain 0 cholesterol) along with one egg white (contains 0 cholesterol) mixed in.
I also spiced it up with a low fat buttery spread containing plant stanols (helpful in eliminating cholesterol).
My second step revolved around giving up my beloved pies and cakes for a bowl of whole grain cereal with skim milk as an after dinner snack.
On occasion I spiced my cereal delight up with one of the many types of high fiber fruits (strawberries, kiwi, etc..
) that have been shown to bind with cholesterol in intestines and escort it out with the trash.
That was it.
Oh yea, I was also taking a natural cholesterol reduction supplement containing policosanol and lecithin oil just in case my daily quest for ideal cholesterol levels had hit a bump in the road during the day.
So there it is, a simply way you can start to attack high cholesterol levels without giving up most of the things you love to eat.
This is how making small changes can make a big difference.
It is also something that if allowed to spiral out of control can cause us to meet an early demise and present quality of life issues long before the final chapter is written.
One of the health concerns that makes unhealthy eating such a health hazard is high cholesterol.
When a person has high cholesterol it basically means that there is too much fat floating around in the bloodstream.
This fat, also known as blood lipids, circulates some of it tends to accumulate in areas of our arteries that have been scuffed or nicked; sometimes by cholesterol itself but not always.
As you can see in order to avoid cholesterol trash piles accumulating in our arteries we must find ways to both lessen internal arterial damage and reduce the fat flowing through our veins.
But since eating is one of life's guilty pleasures asking someone who has been eating high saturated fat and high cholesterol foods to stop cold turkey in the name of achieving idea cholesterol levels might be more than they are willing to do.
On the other hand, if they thought they could make a number of small changes and start working towards idea cholesterol levels over time then it just might be something they would be willing to do.
I believe I was one of these of these people quite a number of years ago but little by little I have been able to whittle high cholesterol down until today my blood cholesterol levels comfortably reside in that sometimes elusive healthy range.
For me the key was in something I call bookending.
In other words I took dead aim at breakfast and nightly snacking.
It wasn't about doing away with these meals and snacks it was more about making a few small changes that ending up making a big difference.
There are many different ways to look at the causes of high cholesterol levels with most revolving around daily cholesterol intake.
But there is another component as well, and that is how much excess cholesterol your body is able to eliminate through waste as bile.
My plan involved a little of both.
Let's look a few small changes that made a big difference.
My first step in my bookend approach had to do with breakfast.
I had a bowl of oatmeal (helpful in eliminating cholesterol contain 0 cholesterol) along with one egg white (contains 0 cholesterol) mixed in.
I also spiced it up with a low fat buttery spread containing plant stanols (helpful in eliminating cholesterol).
My second step revolved around giving up my beloved pies and cakes for a bowl of whole grain cereal with skim milk as an after dinner snack.
On occasion I spiced my cereal delight up with one of the many types of high fiber fruits (strawberries, kiwi, etc..
) that have been shown to bind with cholesterol in intestines and escort it out with the trash.
That was it.
Oh yea, I was also taking a natural cholesterol reduction supplement containing policosanol and lecithin oil just in case my daily quest for ideal cholesterol levels had hit a bump in the road during the day.
So there it is, a simply way you can start to attack high cholesterol levels without giving up most of the things you love to eat.
This is how making small changes can make a big difference.