Health & Medical: Why Doctors Are Using Mobile Cardiac Telemetry

Why Doctors Are Using Mobile Cardiac Telemetry

You'll find that doctors around the country are using mobile cardiac telemetry more and more. There are a number of benefits to this method of monitoring cardiac activity. Prior to this technology, doctors would have to request patients to spend the night in a hospital, attached to a variety of

Health & Medical: 5 Types and Symptoms of Heart Diseases You Must Know

5 Types and Symptoms of Heart Diseases You Must Know

Heart disease, usually called as cardiac disease or cardiopathy, is a general term which refers to various heart-related diseases. Some types of heart disease may share similar symptoms. However, each disease has particular symptoms which depend on the type and the severity of the condition.

Health & Medical: The Side Effects of taking ACE Inhibitors for High Blood Pressure

The Side Effects of taking ACE Inhibitors for High Blood Pressure

All forms of medication have downsides if we are really being honest with ourselves. High Blood Pressure Medicine is no different. To be honest as I have covered in other articles with regards to medicine for High Blood Pressure it is very much a case of the lesser of two evils or damned if you do,

Health & Medical: Fish Oils May Be Lifesavers

Fish Oils May Be Lifesavers

Fish oils in fatty fish like salmon might be even better than heart devices called defibrillators at preventing sudden death from heart problems.

Health & Medical: Cough CPR

Cough CPR

Cough CPR is referred to as a method of preventing a cardiac arrest if you are alone. It is a method of repeated, vigorous coughing intended to prevent cardiac arrest by increasing the flow of oxygen.

Health & Medical: Homocysteine


Homocysteine tests measure the amount of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood.

Health & Medical: About Cholesterol - Nine Secrets You Won't Learn From Your Doctor

About Cholesterol - Nine Secrets You Won't Learn From Your Doctor

The term 'cholesterol' sets off red flags in most people's minds. The term is associated with heart disease, clogged arteries, and death. But there is another side to cholesterol that most people have never heard. Knowing the following nine 'secrets' will forever alter the w

Health & Medical: All About Heart Disease

All About Heart Disease

If you one of the millions of baby boomers who trying to slow the aging process you know firsthand that exercise is not as easy as it once was. Sure you can still do your three mile hike or swim those laps but it just seems to be harder than it used to be. You ask yourself is it my imagination, or a

Health & Medical: Vitamin E: Heart Helpful, Harmful Or Harmless?

Vitamin E: Heart Helpful, Harmful Or Harmless?

Vitamin E supplementation is commonly used by Americans, especially to prevent cardiovascular disease. However scientific data strongly indicates not only no cardiovascular protection but an increased risk of heart failure and death rate.

Health & Medical: Ischemic Heart Diseases

Ischemic Heart Diseases

Ischaemic heart disease or Myocardial ischaemia, is a heart disease that is defined as reduced blood supply of the heart muscle. This is usually caused by coronary artery disease or the atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.

Health & Medical: Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

During a coronary artery bypass, the diseased sections of your coronary arteries are bypassed with healthy artery or vein grafts to increase blood flow to the heart muscle tissue.

Health & Medical: Great Recipes For Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Great Recipes For Lowering Cholesterol Levels

There are hundreds of recipes for lowering high cholesterol levels that people can choose from, especially for those who know that maintaining proper cholesterol is essential to good health. Lowering bad LDL and increasing good HDL should be the aim of people as they choose foods to include in their

Health & Medical: Vertigo



Health & Medical: Prader Willi Syndrome

Prader Willi Syndrome

Important It is possible that the main title of the report Prader Willi Syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. ...

Health & Medical: The Greatest Paradox in the History of Medicine

The Greatest Paradox in the History of Medicine

A total lack of any supportive evidence does not necessarily prove that fat/saturated fat in the diet does not cause heart disease. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, let me now mention a few of the most powerful pieces of evidence that directly contradict the diet-heart hypothesis. But