Health & Medical Heart Diseases

5 Types and Symptoms of Heart Diseases You Must Know

Heart disease, usually called as cardiac disease or cardiopathy, is a general term which refers to various heart-related diseases.
Some types of heart disease may share similar symptoms.
However, each disease has particular symptoms which depend on the type and the severity of the condition.
Below are some types of heart diseases and how to recognize them from their symptoms.
Heart attack (Myocardial Infarction or MI)
A person who suffers from heart attack may experience discomfort, heaviness, pressure, or pain around the chest, arm, or below the breastbone.
In some cases, the feeling can spread through the jaw, back, and throat.
Heart attack also triggers sweating, dizziness, anxiety, nausea, irregular heartbeats, and shortness of breath.
A heart attack may last for half an hour or longer.
Sometimes, heart attack can occur without any symptoms.
This type of heart attack is commonly called a silent MI and happens more often among diabetics.
Coronary artery disease
Generally, a coronary artery disease is defined by the occurrence of angina or chest pain.
A chest pain creates squeezing, aching, burning, heaviness, and painful sensation around the chest and can spread through the shoulders, jaw, back, throat, or arm.
Besides angina, other symptoms commonly follow a coronary artery disease are rapid heartbeat, palpitations, sweating, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and shortness of breath.
Arrhythmia is an irregular or abnormal rhythm of heart beats.
Symptoms that may present during an arrhythmia include palpitations, the feeling of light-headed, fainting, discomfort feeling in chest, fatigue, chest pounding, dizziness, shortness of breath, and weakness.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of some types of arrhythmia.
Like arrhythmia sufferers, AF patients may also experience the lack of energy, palpitations, dizziness, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and tiredness.
Heart valve disease
Heart valve disease is a condition when the heart valve cannot work normally.
This disease triggers dizziness, weakness feeling, chest discomfort, palpitations, and shortness of breath which you notice while doing normal activities or just lying in bed.
Heart valve disease which causes heart failure may show some other symptoms such as fast weight gain and swelling in the ankles, feet, or abdomen area.
Heart failure
Heart failure occurs when the heart suffers from cardiac disorders which prevent enough blood from circulating the body.
Like the heart valve disease, heart failure also shows symptoms like the shortness of breath; fatigue; ankles, abdomen, and feet swelling; dizziness; fast weight gain; nausea; palpitations; and chest pain.
A person who suffers from heart failure may also experience cough that produces white mucus.
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