Understanding the Symptoms of Heart Attack
The symptoms of a heart attack include:
You may not feel all of these symptoms. Some people experience no symptoms -- this is called silent ischemia.
Find out more about heart attacks:
Diagnosis and Treatment
Women may have different symptoms of a heart attack than men. They may not experience chest pain but have other symptoms, such as pain high in the abdomen, jaw, back, or neck or non-pain symptoms like shortness of breath or fatigue.
Understanding Heart Attack: Symptoms
In this article
- What Are the Symptoms of a Heart Attack?
- Call 911 Immediately About a Heart Attack if:
- Call Your Doctor About a Heart Attack if:
What Are the Symptoms of a Heart Attack?
The symptoms of a heart attack include:
- A crushing, squeezing, or burning pain, pressure, or fullness in the center of the chest; the pain may radiate to the neck, one or both arms, the shoulders, or the jaw. The chest discomfort lasts more than a few minutes. It can diminish in intensity and return.
- Shortness of breath, dizziness
- Nausea, heartburn, or upset stomach
- Sweating or feeling "the chills"
- A weak, fast pulse
- An irregular heart beat
- Cold, clammy skin, or a gray color to the face
- Fainting or loss of consciousness
- Fatigue
You may not feel all of these symptoms. Some people experience no symptoms -- this is called silent ischemia.
Understanding Heart Attacks
Find out more about heart attacks:
Diagnosis and Treatment
Women may have different symptoms of a heart attack than men. They may not experience chest pain but have other symptoms, such as pain high in the abdomen, jaw, back, or neck or non-pain symptoms like shortness of breath or fatigue.
Call 911 Immediately About a Heart Attack if:
- You or someone else shows signs of a heart attack. Seek emergency help right away, without delay.
- Your angina (chest pain) no longer responds to medication. This may indicate that a heart attack is beginning.
- Your angina attacks become more frequent, prolonged, and severe. As angina worsens the risk of heart attack increases.
Call Your Doctor About a Heart Attack if:
- You are taking aspirin to prevent heart attack and your stool appears black and tarry. This may indicate gastrointestinal bleeding and could be a sign that aspirin has thinned your blood too much, problems that can and should be corrected.