Law & Legal & Attorney: OSHA Oklahoma Crane Inspection Regulations

OSHA Oklahoma Crane Inspection Regulations

OSHA Oklahoma crane inspection rules come under federal authority.cranes image by FJ Medrano from Fotolia.comAccording to the Center for Construction Research and Training, 126 injuries and 58 fatalities occurred because of crane-related accidents in 2008. The OSHA Oklahoma crane...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Zebra Crossing Law

Zebra Crossing Law

A zebra crossing is a type of crossing introduced in the United Kingdom in 1997, along with puffin and pelican crossings, to help codify the rules regarding pedestrian traffic across motorways. The Zebra, Pelican and Puffin Pedestrian Crossings Regulations and General Directions 1997 governs the us

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Report Social Securty Fraud

How to Report Social Securty Fraud

The Office of the Inspector General investigates Social Security fraud -- and takes the job very seriously. In 2011, a 67-year-old Detroit woman faced prison time after a conviction for Social Security fraud. The woman received $120,000 in fraudulent benefits over a 10-year period while continuing t

Law & Legal & Attorney: Who Would Get the Social Security If I Died & Am Divorced?

Who Would Get the Social Security If I Died & Am Divorced?

If a person is eligible to receive Social Security benefits, members of his family may also qualify to receive benefits when he dies, retires or becomes disabled. Potential recipients of SSA benefits include the individual's children, parents, current and former spouses and grandchildren. Even tho

Law & Legal & Attorney: Crematory Incinerator Regulatory Requirements

Crematory Incinerator Regulatory Requirements

The Environmental Protection Agency governs federal emission standards for crematory incinerators, but the states decide all other requirements. Laws vary slightly from state to state, but Oregon laws are representative of general requirements. The Oregon Department of Environmental...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Stop a Social Security Check

How to Stop a Social Security Check

A Social Security check is a payment from the Social Security Administration (SSA) made payable to an individual for a social security benefit for a disability, retirement or a spouse's benefits. SSA makes payments for Social Security benefits in one of two forms, by check or through a direct deposi

Law & Legal & Attorney: Rules About Large Cash Deposits

Rules About Large Cash Deposits

Large cash deposits may bring unwanted attention from federal image by Alexey Klementiev from Fotolia.comFederal reporting requirements that began with the Currency and Foreign Transactions Act of 1970 (also known as the Bank Secrecy Act) have been expanded by Congress over...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to File a Succession in Louisiana

How to File a Succession in Louisiana

According to Article 871 of Louisiana Civil Code, succession is "the transmission of the estate of the deceased to his successors. The successors thus have the right to take possession of the estate of the deceased after complying with applicable provisions of law." Filing for succession is a legal

Law & Legal & Attorney: Food Stamps & Timely Notice of Action in California

Food Stamps & Timely Notice of Action in California

The California food stamp program gives people who don't have much income the resources to keep healthy food on the table. Those interested in benefits should apply with the California Department of Social Services. If at any time a negative decision is made in your case, either before or during you

Law & Legal & Attorney: Locate the Best Wills Lawyer NJ

Locate the Best Wills Lawyer NJ

Hiring an experienced wills lawyer NJ could help you in securing the future. Because with the help of these professional lawyers you can take right decision in terms of transferring the wills to trustworthy person. ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: West Virginia Suspended Driving License Laws

West Virginia Suspended Driving License Laws

A person who drives with a suspended license in West Virginia faces fines or jail time.wv license plate image by timur1970 from Fotolia.comIf a person's license is suspended or revoked in West Virginia, that person should not drive. The state of West Virginia does not recognize exceptions...

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Introduction Of The Employment Act

The Introduction Of The Employment Act

It is expected that there will be changes made to the statutory disciplinary, dismissal and grievances procedures, with the Employment Act 2008 due to come into effect on 6th April 2009. Indeed, the Act will ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Rules for Divorce and Custody in Arizona

Rules for Divorce and Custody in Arizona

Arizona does not allow residents in covenant marriages to file no-fault divorces.schale image by Ewe Degiampietro from Fotolia.comArizona provides its residents a series of requirements and guidelines for divorce. These guidelines cover issues such as eligibility, types of divorce,...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Queensland Gaming License

Queensland Gaming License

To operate a gaming machine, you must be licensed. The people that will be licensed involve the organizations, or individuals working or operating in clubs, and hotels as well as the monitoring services and suppliers ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: ADA Service Dog Law

ADA Service Dog Law

The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990 and is intended to ensure that people with disabilities receive equal access. Certain aspects of the ADA apply to service dogs used by deaf, blind and other disabled individuals. Service dogs are working animals that are specifically trained to

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are Minnesota's Laws on Self Defense?

What Are Minnesota's Laws on Self Defense?

Self-defense is the idea that, when threatened, it becomes legally acceptable to use deadly force against another person. Although a staple of television legal melodramas, the reality of self-defense laws are more nuanced than they are often portrayed. In addition, Minnesota has other statutes which