Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

Cell Phone Laws in Ohio

    • Cell phone laws in Ohio are varied.cell phone image by Alexey Klementiev from

      Ohio does not have a statewide law regarding the use of cell phones for talking or for texting. There are a number of bills regarding regulations of cell phones that are pending in the legislature. These bills, if passed, would prohibit the use of texting and talking while driving. However, different jurisdictions within the state can have their own, specific laws, and several of them do.

    Brooklyn, Ohio, cell phone laws

    • Use a Bluetooth for cell phone use.bluetooth speakerphone image by gajatz from

      The Brooklyn law states that a cell phone can be used while driving as long as the driver keeps both hands on the steering wheel. The way the law is worded means that it allows for the driver to be using either a Bluetooth headset or a speaker system to talk on their cell phone. However, anything else such as texting or holding the phone up to the ear will result in a fine.

    Cleveland cell phone laws

    North Olmstead, Ohio, laws

    South Euclid


    North Royalton

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