Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

West Virginia Suspended Driving License Laws

    • A person who drives with a suspended license in West Virginia faces fines or jail time.wv license plate image by timur1970 from

      If a person's license is suspended or revoked in West Virginia, that person should not drive. The state of West Virginia does not recognize exceptions and does not allow driving privileges during a period of suspension or revocation.Those caught driving on a suspended driver's license in West Virginia face significant penalties, including fines and possible jail time.

      West Virginia enforces suspensions and revocations from other states. A person caught driving in West Virginia on a suspended license from another state faces the same penalties as a resident driving on a suspended license. If a person with a suspended or revoked West Virginia license needs to get to work, he or she must find a ride.

      The West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles orders and records suspensions.

    Driving Suspended

    • A person may have a driver's license suspended for a number of reasons in West Virginia, including accumulating too many traffic citations. Suspensions occur after a person has accumulated 12 points for traffic citations.

      For first and second offenses of driving on a suspended license, the penalty is a fine of $100 to $500. A third offense carries a penalty of $150 to $500 and a mandatory jail sentence of at least 30 days and as many as 90 days.

    Driving Suspended for DUI

    • A person who drives after a license was suspended for driving under the influence (DUI) is committing a serious offense in West Virginia.

      For a first offense, a jail sentence of at least 30 days to six months is mandatory. A mandatory fine of $100 to $500 will be imposed. A second offense carries a mandatory jail sentence of at least six months and up to one year as well as a mandatory fine of $1,000 to $3,000.

      Third offenses are felonies punished by one to three years in prison and a fine of $3,000 to $5,000. One year of the prison sentence and a minimum $3,000 fine are mandatory.

    Driving Suspended Under 21 for DUI

    • A person convicted of driving on a license that was suspended for a DUI conviction that occurred while the person was under 21 faces a penalty of 24 hours in jail or a fine of $50 to $500, or both, according to the West Virginia Code.


    • To convict a person of driving on a suspended license, the state must prove two facts: A suspension or revocation must be recorded by the Division of Motor Vehicles, and the accused must be caught operating a motor vehicle.

      Operating a motor vehicle does not require a person to be traveling in a car on a road. A person may operate a motor vehicle by sitting in a running car in a parking lot with keys in the ignition.

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