Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

How To Designate A Guardian For Your Minor Children In Your Last Will And Testament

If you have minor children then it is very good practice to actually provide for a guardianship provision in your Last Will and Testament. The reason for this is that you really do not know when you and your spouse would pass on. In such an instance if you have minor children then there needs to be someone that is designated as the caregiver for these children. Unless you spell it out in your Will then the courts will have to determine who is to actually receive the guardianship of your minor children. Now, some of the powers of that person that you designate will actually be to provide for the general well-being of the child including the education, health, and finances of the kid. The actual money used for these purposes will however come from your estate. Also, should you have any specific requirements yourself then what you can do is include them in the Will as well.

So lets say that you specifically want your kid to actually attend a specific college and that is your true desire. Well, the guardian will be in charge of executing the Will so as to have this occur and therefore your kid go to that specific college. The bottom line is that the person you designate will be bound to follow your directions. The only time when they actually would not be required to follow your directives would be an instance when you are requiring them to actually do something illegal. It is also a good idea to choose a back-up individual as well should the original individual that you have chosen is no longer able to serve for whatever reason. This will ensure that the process will keep going regardless of what circumstances may come up to prevent that individual from performing their duties of the Will.
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