Law & Legal & Attorney: Rules & Laws on Raffles in Michigan

Rules & Laws on Raffles in Michigan

Many nonprofit groups hold bingo games and raffles to raise money to support their philanthropic missions. The state of Michigan, like many other states, classifies raffles and other charitable contests as games of chance. As such, raffles are subject to state regulation. Anyone wanting to hold a ra

Law & Legal & Attorney: Arizona Laws on Advance Directives

Arizona Laws on Advance Directives

Advance Directives allow an Arizonian to make decisions regarding future health care.stethescope image by Jeffrey Zalesny from Fotolia.comAdvance Directives include a living will, medical power of attorney, or mental health power of attorney. Within the state of Arizona, an individual has...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Get a Replacement Social Security Card for a Naturalized Citizen

How to Get a Replacement Social Security Card for a Naturalized Citizen

A naturalized citizen is a person who was born outside of the United States and later acquired citizenship through a process known as naturalization. To get a free replacement Social Security card as a naturalized citizen, you use the same process as for a U.S.-born citizen, but you may have to subm

Law & Legal & Attorney: Best IRS Tax Lien Services

Best IRS Tax Lien Services

The tonality is always to take fast and work early on to counteract usual IRS Tax lien services complications prior to they are able to stimulate started. If you owe back taxes, then you may ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Government Funding Requirements

Government Funding Requirements

Recipients of any federal money must meet certain eligibility requirements.US Kapitol - Washington D.C. - USA image by Clemens Birkert from Fotolia.comEvery year, the federal government spends hundreds of billions of dollars in nonmandatory discretionary spending. Much of this money finds...

Law & Legal & Attorney: West Virginia Property Laws

West Virginia Property Laws

West Virginia property lawsWest Virginia state contour against blurred USA flag image by Stasys Eidiejus from Fotolia.comEvery state has laws covering numerous aspects of real estate property. West Virginia's real estate laws are found in several chapters of the West Virginia Code, and...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Consequences for Teenage DUI in California

Consequences for Teenage DUI in California

Driving under the influence carries a host of penalties ranging from fines to jail time. A DUI is a serious offense for anyone, particularly for anyone younger than 21. California carries stiff punishments in these instances and you will face consequences from both the legal system and...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Colorado Studded Snow Tire Laws

Colorado Studded Snow Tire Laws

OverviewJupiterimages/Comstock/Getty ImagesStudded snow tires are used to provide more traction when the driving surface is slippery. Studded tires feature metal studs embedded in the tread of the tire. Colorado invokes a chain law that requires a minimum of snow tires whenever road...

Law & Legal & Attorney: When is it time to file Bankruptcy?

When is it time to file Bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy can be an intimidating procedure. For many people, it may be the first time they'll need to contact an attorney. For others, there's a heavy fear of the unknown and the extended ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Corporate Matters Advocate on Climate Change

Corporate Matters Advocate on Climate Change

Mr. Kislay Pandey -Corporate Matters Advocate, the Supreme Court of India has mentioned that it is the collaborative responsibility of all to protect the environment. We can't simply blame the government for such great loss, ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Teen Runaway Laws in Florida

Teen Runaway Laws in Florida

Teenagers often look for more freedom and fewer boundaries imposed from above.daydreaming teen image by Tammy Mobley from Fotolia.comMany adults claim that their teenage years were some of the most difficult periods of their lives. Hormones are racing as teens run away from childhood and...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Difference Between Social Security Disability & SSI

Difference Between Social Security Disability & SSI

Social Security Disability (SSD) and Social Security Income (SSI) are two government benefits designed to provide an income to people who are permanently disabled and can no longer work. Both are administered by the Social Security Administration.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Oregon's Fireworks Laws

Oregon's Fireworks Laws

Fireworks are a fun component of many outdoor celebrations. In the United States, fireworks laws are determined by the individual states. In Oregon, fireworks are regulated by laws at both the state and local level. The Office of State Fire Marshal works in conjunction with local fire and law enfor

Law & Legal & Attorney: Strengths of the Department of Homeland Security

Strengths of the Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security receives a large amount of government image by Kimberly Reinick from Fotolia.comThe U.S. government established the Department of Homeland Security shortly after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, to prevent future attacks on American...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Import Parts

How to Import Parts

Importing goods offers firms and companies a chance to purchase parts at a lower price than in their domestic market. Company owners need to be cognizant of importing laws, especially when it comes to security and tariffs. However, even after factoring in tariffs, a company could save by investing i

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is A Notary? How It Will Works? - BK Law, Mississauga

What Is A Notary? How It Will Works? - BK Law, Mississauga

Walk in notary public: A Public notary officer is a person who has been certified by the government and deals with the non-testy issues which mainly concerns and administers around the things likes authenticity of ...