Law & Legal & Attorney: A Guide to LA Bail Bonds

A Guide to LA Bail Bonds

An article about the basics of LA bail bonds. Bail bonds in Los Angeles are a highly regulated industry, with very particular methods. If a loved on has been arrested, this is the time to hire a Los A

Law & Legal & Attorney: Texas State Alcohol Consumption Laws

Texas State Alcohol Consumption Laws

Texas has laws in place regarding the consumption of in beer-mug image by Witold Krasowski from Fotolia.comThe state of Texas has laws in place regarding the consumption of alcohol. Texas law requires all those who consume alcoholic beverages to be age 21 or older. Those who...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Vehicle Repossession Laws in Texas

Vehicle Repossession Laws in Texas

Texas provides laws for car repossession.texas map image by Vladislav Gajic from Fotolia.comThe laws that govern vehicle repossession differ from one state to another. The individual fees, circumstances, and even whether repossession is allowed, all vary. In the state of Texas, for...

Law & Legal & Attorney: About state federal labor law posters

About state federal labor law posters

Free workplace compliance posters are available by PDF download from United States Department of Labor website, or businesses can order them on line or by phone. Information for all forms of poster pr

Law & Legal & Attorney: Law and Order In Beverly Hills

Law and Order In Beverly Hills

If you are rich and famous, then Beverly Hills is the place to be. It is where large and graceful mansions nestle along great expanse of grassy lawns and woody hills. Where the jet set ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Tennessee Laws Regarding the Release of Medical Records

Tennessee Laws Regarding the Release of Medical Records

Tennessee has state laws regarding medical records.Tennessee state contour against blurred USA flag image by Stasys Eidiejus from Fotolia.comMedical records give a comprehensive history of a person's health. In addition to federal privacy laws, the state of Tennessee has several state...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Grants for Cemetery Upkeep

Grants for Cemetery Upkeep

There are grants that help maintain the beauty of a orleans cemetery image by Alexandra Cockfield from Fotolia.comFamilies primarily assume responsibility for the upkeep for their loved ones' cemetery plots. Over time, as the family line dies off, cemetery plots begin to look...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Wheelchair Ramp Laws

Wheelchair Ramp Laws

Learn about ADA wheelchair ramp lawswheelchair access sign image by Gina Smith from Fotolia.comThe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifies the requirements a ramp must possess to be considered an ADA wheelchair ramp. These requirements apply to both personal and corporate ramps,...

Law & Legal & Attorney: New York Estate Laws

New York Estate Laws

Individuals can use New York estate laws to plan for their children's futures.boy enjoys the playground image by ann triling from Fotolia.comIndividuals may choose to combine various New York estate laws to help them organize their estates and determine the distribution of their property...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How OSHA Regulations Affect the Hotel Business

How OSHA Regulations Affect the Hotel Business

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which operates under the U.S. Department of Labor, regulates and oversees private and public workplace safety and health. Hotels work falls under the umbrella of OSHA-regulated industries.

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Duties of an Executor Regarding Estate Liquidated Assets?

What Are the Duties of an Executor Regarding Estate Liquidated Assets?

As part of the probate process, an executor is appointed, either by the probate court or as named in the will. The executor is responsible for overseeing certain tasks, such as the safeguarding, distribution and liquidation of assets. Until these duties are completed, assets can not be sold or trans

Law & Legal & Attorney: OSHA Safety Procedures

OSHA Safety Procedures

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety procedures can seem complex and confusing. For one thing, there are so many of them. Literally hundreds if not thousands of regulations exist. Separating these into some sort of plan of action for your facility is, at first glance, a daunti

Law & Legal & Attorney: Do it Yourself Divorce in North Carolina

Do it Yourself Divorce in North Carolina

Like in many states, it is not necessary to acquire a lawyer in order to file for divorce in North Carolina. In order to represent yourself in a divorce case, you must follow the laws regarding the dissolution of marriage contracts, as covered by Chapter 50 of the North Carolina Statutes (Sections 5

Law & Legal & Attorney: Cell Phone Laws in Ohio

Cell Phone Laws in Ohio

Cell phone laws in Ohio are varied.cell phone image by Alexey Klementiev from Fotolia.comOhio does not have a statewide law regarding the use of cell phones for talking or for texting. There are a number of bills regarding regulations of cell phones that are pending in the legislature....

Law & Legal & Attorney: Vermont Laws on Outdoor Wood Boilers

Vermont Laws on Outdoor Wood Boilers

Heat your home by burning wood in an outdoor boiler, but pay attention to relevant laws.campfire - wood burning image by Sherri Camp from Fotolia.comWood-fired boilers can be set up outside to heat the house and its water supply from a distance, by heat transfer through underground water...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Substitutes for Social Security Benefits in California

Substitutes for Social Security Benefits in California

The "Golden State" has programs to help Californians when the federal government cannotGolden Gate Bridge image by Jules from Fotolia.comSocial Security provides benefits for 4.8 million Californians. However, many individuals need help while waiting for Social Security benefits to start...

Law & Legal & Attorney: What are the Pressure Washing Regulations in California?

What are the Pressure Washing Regulations in California?

California's wastewater disposal laws are meant to protect the environment.mountain and lake scene,buttermere in the lake d image by adrian fortune from Fotolia.comPressure washing is a cleaning method that uses a high-pressure stream of water--sometimes with cleaning agents--ejected from...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Get Best Employment Attorney

Get Best Employment Attorney

Labor unions and lawyers assist employers and employees with legal problems related to issues of labor and employment, according to the section of the American Bar Association of the Labor Law. Benefits, and other issues, ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: ADA Standards for Sidewalks

ADA Standards for Sidewalks

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has created design guidelines to ensure that transportation facilities are constructed to a set of standards that ensures accessibility for the disabled. Sidewalks are one of the most common pieces of transportation infrastructure, yet if not accessible, the