Family & Relationships: Moving On

Moving On

When two people break up or separate after a long period of being together, it is natural for them to be hurt and continue holding on. This is especially true for one partner who is still very much in love with the other. However, reality does bite and both parties will simply have to go on with the

Family & Relationships: How to Get A Lover Back in Love and Stop a Divorce

How to Get A Lover Back in Love and Stop a Divorce

The beginning of a love affair is the best, brightest and most exciting part of a romance. Everything seems so new to both people in the couple as they wonder if this is "the one." This part in the relationship is usually called the honeymoon period. It just never seems like it lasts long

Family & Relationships: Should You Bad-Mouth an Ex?

Should You Bad-Mouth an Ex?

Break ups are painful - no matter why they occurred. But there is something even more painful about a break up when the guy has treated your horribly right? When he has cheated, or was abusive, or a liar, or just plain ole' mean.

Family & Relationships: Why He Stops Calling After A While

Why He Stops Calling After A While

Does it bother you when the guy you're dating suddenly makes fewer calls (or stops calling altogether), even if the past few dates you've had were actually quite amazing? You may have the nagging impulse to call him up and ask him just why he's not getting in touch with you, and that

Family & Relationships: How To Stop A Controlling And Misbehaving Man

How To Stop A Controlling And Misbehaving Man

To make the journey of life and not fall deeply in love, you haven't lived at all. Seduction is a mind game. As a lady, you've got to be able to know how to stimulate the desire of a man not just for sex but for something much greater....Learn to control your emotions. Everyone has weaknes

Family & Relationships: 5 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

5 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

If you just got over a breakup, one of the biggest questions you may have is whether your ex still has feelings for you.And that's perfectly understandable; after all, you likely still have very strong feelings for him/her.But is it really possible to pick up on signs your ex wants you back?

Family & Relationships: Planning a Meeting to Get Your Ex Back

Planning a Meeting to Get Your Ex Back

If you want to get your ex back, you have to tread very carefully. You have to make a move in order to get them back, but if you do the wrong thing, you will just push them further away. Asking them to meet you somewhere so you can talk things over is a good plan as long as it is done right.

Family & Relationships: Break Up With Your Boyfriend: How to Know When It's Time

Break Up With Your Boyfriend: How to Know When It's Time

The decision to break up with your boyfriend isn't always an easy one. You've been with the same guy for over a year now. You're in it for the win: marriage with children, the whole shebang. However..

Family & Relationships: How to End an Affair With a Coworker

How to End an Affair With a Coworker

Ending a romantic relationship with with a coworker can be especially complicated because you will have to interact with the person after your breakup. Since it may not be easy to avoid seeing the other person it's especially important to take the time to plan your breakup thoughtfully. The most des