Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

As the Pendulum Swings - The Mind-Brain Connection by Lindsay A Brady

Finding the Connection Connecting Peace of Mind and the Joy of Consciousness "As the Pendulum Swings" is Lindsay A.
Brady's true life story.
Brady is a nationally recognized clinical hypnotherapist.
The book is divided into two parts.
Part one tells of Brady's early interest in hypnosis and of his curiosity regarding the mind/brain connection.
It talks about his search for answers to unresolved questions and about how he overcame his lack of confidence, his inhibitions, his scholastic deficits, and of his low self perception.
Brady uses sketches as illustrative case studies to provide the reader with an understanding of the process and objectives of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
He explains how "perceptionism" is the force in hypnotherapy.
Brady describes how he developed an approach to help his clients overcome their self destructive behaviors.
Part two explores his theory behind hypnosis and of the influences that led to his conclusions.
He discusses perception, regression, and altered consciousness.
Brady shares illustrations of "conversations" held in his own "inner room.
" He tells of drawing on wisdom from conversations with an inner wisdom he named "Socrates.
" The book includes a comprehensive appendix which with detailed information on the structure of a typical perceptionism session, perception's influence, the nervous system, and muscular behavior.
He also provides insight into eliminating the difficulties of stress and anxiety.
I appreciated the excellent bibliography which includes book resources and available courses.
Brady is intellectually stimulating.
His writing is fast moving, and hilarious.
His self deprecating humor hides his true genius.
He is very entertaining, rich in profound insight and understanding in areas of consciousness and self fulfillment.
"As the Pendulum Swings" is a welcome addition to the reading list or library of all who are interested in investigating the "mind/brain" connection.
Worthwhile, stimulating, and entertaining.
Robert D.
Reed Publishers, 978-1934759363 As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review
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