Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Morning Sickness Remedies - Six Tips to Help You Through the Rough Times

I hope that you are one of those truly fortunate women who go their entire term without experiencing any nausea.
It does happen to some expectant moms, but there are also the poor unfortunates that are destined for nausea symptoms during their pregnancy.
For those women, here are morning sickness remedies that may provide you with some relief.
Don't let others tell you what to eat.
This is your special time.
If you want pickles and ice cream, then eat pickles and ice cream.
If your family does not want this for supper, that is okay.
They can fend for themselves and give you a break.
Just because you are pregnant does not mean you cannot eat out.
Pamper yourself and get out of the kitchen.
Just be sure to make wise choices that won't cause you any nausea discomfort.
Smart choices include grilled items and foods that are not highly seasoned.
Salads are good for you along with fresh fruit and vegetables.
Avoid spicy and greasy foods, as these are known nausea triggers.
Pregnancy is also not a time to experiment with new and unusual foods.
There is always time for that after the baby is born.
Don't go hungry.
You may not realize this, but an empty stomach can cause nausea.
A common time this is a problem is in the morning when you first wake up.
You have not eaten since the night before, and your stomach is empty.
Take your time in rising out of bed and eat something as soon as you can.
Consider milk, cheese, saltine crackers, cheese toast, yogurt, applesauce, or a scrambled egg sprinkled with shredded cheese.
Food aromas are also known to trigger bouts of nausea, especially those from food cooking on the stove.
Let members of your family handle some of the cooking.
Eat cold items such as chilled pasta salad, potato salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, and coleslaw.
If you do have to cook, try using the microwave instead of the stovetop.
Many women find that helpful when they need to do the cooking.
Get plenty of rest.
Lack of sleep will affect your nausea symptoms.
Don't feel the least bit guilty about taking daytime naps.
Your body sends you messages, so be sure to pay attention to them.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Dehydration is a known nausea trigger.
Sip on drinks throughout the day such as water, Sprite, ginger ale, and low fructose fruit juices.
Many women prefer ice cold drinks during pregnancy as opposed to hot teas and coffee.
Crushed ice is a favorite, and an ice cold drink tastes even better with a drinking straw.
Not sure why, but it does.
A few weeks into your pregnancy, you'll already have a good indication of the things that cause you nausea discomfort, and you'll be well prepared to avoid them.
If you do experience rough times, just remember to try using some of the morning sickness remedies listed here.
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