- 1). Remove everything from your closet.
- 2
Do a deep clean of the closet. Dust, vacuum, and paint if necessary. - 3
Invest in a single type of hanger. This will give your closet a uniform look and will help you see the clothes themselves and not be distracted by the mismatched hangers. - 4). Invest in simple hanging and shelf storage to hold sweaters, shoes, and other items you regularly wear. Discount stores have a variety of this kind of item. Think vertical. A hanging sweater bag creates storage where there wasn't any before. Also consider clear containers so that you can easily see what's inside.
- 5). Begin replacing items in your closet, using your new hangers and storage items. Only replace items that you have worn in the last year. This part is important! This will help avoid the "closet full of clothes and nothing to wear" syndrome. In addition, it will make your closet seem roomier and less cluttered.
- 6). As you're replacing your clothing, group them by color. This will make finding articles of clothing easier and will give your closet a fresh, uniform look.