I am going to give you 10 easily steps to take to get that weight off and keep it off.
Watch your portions.
Many of us just eat what is put before us without even thinking about how much is actually there.
Eat every 3-4 hours.
That's right you can eat and eat often! Stick to 3 meals and 2 snacks.
Drink water.
Shoot for 8 glasses a day.
Get moving! Even just a 20-30 minutes walk is good.
If you can do more, do it.
Get your sleep.
Try for 8 hours a night.
That way your body is refreshed and ready for what every your day brings you, including eating healthy and exercising.
Don't forget to relax.
Stress can cause overeating.
Make time for yourself.
This covers making the time to eat right, making the time for exercise and taking the time to relax.
You are important and you have to care about yourself.
If you slip up, forgive yourself and move on.
Many of us head down a slippery path to failure if we make a mistake.
We are human, so we all make mistakes.
Keep at it.
You won't see changes overnight, but if you make this lifestyle change you will see the results.
Enjoy the new you with more energy and less weight to carry around! I just gave you 10 great ideas to use to change your lifestyle and take off those extra pounds.
If you stick with it you will see results.
I am in the process of using these 10 ideas and I have seen the difference.
Come check out my blog for other great ideas.
Watch your portions.
Many of us just eat what is put before us without even thinking about how much is actually there.
Eat every 3-4 hours.
That's right you can eat and eat often! Stick to 3 meals and 2 snacks.
Drink water.
Shoot for 8 glasses a day.
Get moving! Even just a 20-30 minutes walk is good.
If you can do more, do it.
Get your sleep.
Try for 8 hours a night.
That way your body is refreshed and ready for what every your day brings you, including eating healthy and exercising.
Don't forget to relax.
Stress can cause overeating.
Make time for yourself.
This covers making the time to eat right, making the time for exercise and taking the time to relax.
You are important and you have to care about yourself.
If you slip up, forgive yourself and move on.
Many of us head down a slippery path to failure if we make a mistake.
We are human, so we all make mistakes.
Keep at it.
You won't see changes overnight, but if you make this lifestyle change you will see the results.
Enjoy the new you with more energy and less weight to carry around! I just gave you 10 great ideas to use to change your lifestyle and take off those extra pounds.
If you stick with it you will see results.
I am in the process of using these 10 ideas and I have seen the difference.
Come check out my blog for other great ideas.