Phentermine was introduced in the market as the revolutionary weight loss ingredient in 2002.
As a result, people went gaga over the product, especially since the advertisements showed that the substance will make people shed weight easily and burn fat faster.
While phentermine did indeed make people drop the extra pounds quickly, it also caused a variety of negative effects, including heart ailments, high blood pressure, hypertension, headaches and dizziness, blurred vision, and skin allergies.
In the end, it was pulled off the market by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because of its harmful effects.
While the incident happened more than half a decade ago, a lot of people have still not forgotten the headlines phentermine made, and they could not help wondering about the Phen375 side effects when it was introduced in the market recently.
The good news is, while Phen375 is based on phentermine and is as effective in burning fat, it does not cause the negative side effects that have been attributed to its predecessor.
Its main ingredient, phentemine, has been specifically designed by FDA-approved pharmaceutical laboratories to burn fat faster easily and effectively.
In fact, there are little to no Phen375 side effects, and is actually safe enough to be bought over the counter without a prescription, which wasn't the case when phentermine was released a few years back.
What makes Phen375 an effective weight loss pill is that it has a two-fold function: it does not just burn fat faster, it also effectively suppresses people's appetite.
One of the reasons why people tend to binge is because they can't control the urge to eat.
Phen375 keeps people from feeling hunger pangs, and even prevents them from craving for their favorite sweet, salty, and calorie-infused food.
The ingredients of Phen375 are:
Even so, it's better to consult with a licensed medical practitioner before you use this, or any weight loss supplement, so you can be sure that you will not experience any adverse effects when you take these.
As a result, people went gaga over the product, especially since the advertisements showed that the substance will make people shed weight easily and burn fat faster.
While phentermine did indeed make people drop the extra pounds quickly, it also caused a variety of negative effects, including heart ailments, high blood pressure, hypertension, headaches and dizziness, blurred vision, and skin allergies.
In the end, it was pulled off the market by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because of its harmful effects.
While the incident happened more than half a decade ago, a lot of people have still not forgotten the headlines phentermine made, and they could not help wondering about the Phen375 side effects when it was introduced in the market recently.
The good news is, while Phen375 is based on phentermine and is as effective in burning fat, it does not cause the negative side effects that have been attributed to its predecessor.
Its main ingredient, phentemine, has been specifically designed by FDA-approved pharmaceutical laboratories to burn fat faster easily and effectively.
In fact, there are little to no Phen375 side effects, and is actually safe enough to be bought over the counter without a prescription, which wasn't the case when phentermine was released a few years back.
What makes Phen375 an effective weight loss pill is that it has a two-fold function: it does not just burn fat faster, it also effectively suppresses people's appetite.
One of the reasons why people tend to binge is because they can't control the urge to eat.
Phen375 keeps people from feeling hunger pangs, and even prevents them from craving for their favorite sweet, salty, and calorie-infused food.
The ingredients of Phen375 are:
- Phentemine.
Phentemine, as already mentioned, is essentially phentermine without the negative side effects.
It works by suppressing appetite, controlling cravings, and improving metabolism so that the body can burn fat faster. - L-Carnitine.
L-Carnitine alone has made headlines for being an effective weight loss supplement in itself, and it serves as a support to phentemine in Phen375.
What it essentially does is that it breaks down fat and converts it to energy so that the user can lose the fat and boost the person's energy level at the same time. - Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).
This is a natural substance secreted by the adrenal gland which prevents the body from converting the food that you've eaten into fat.
It also helps increase muscle tissue so that fat burning will be faster and more effective. - Dimethypentylamine hydrocholoride.
This boosts metabolism like phentemine. - Trimethylxanthine.
Trimethylxanthine suppresses the body's demand for food to compensate for what you've lost as a result of Phen375s other ingredients.
It also increases phentemines ability to suppress appetite. - Sympathomimetic amine.
This boosts the amount of norepinephrine in the body, which is a natural enzyme that improves metabolism. - Capsaicin.
Capsaicin makes the other ingredients more effective and helps the body absorb the nutrients better.
Even so, it's better to consult with a licensed medical practitioner before you use this, or any weight loss supplement, so you can be sure that you will not experience any adverse effects when you take these.