Mistake #1: You're not drinking enough water Solution: Our body's need a lot more water than you think to function properly.
Not only does quench our thirst and cool us off but our lungs need it so we can breathe, our liver and kidney's need it help with the cleansing functions, but our digestive tract also needs it to help with absorption of nutrients and excretion of toxins.
When we don't drink enough water "on a regular basis" our cells onto it to and don't share with our other systems.
That's why we have "water retention.
" If you want to lose weight you have to drink water and a lot of it.
Emerging science is now recommending that you drink 1/2 of your weight in ounces.
In other words, if you weigh 300 lbs, you need to drink 150 ounces each day.
Here are a few simple tricks to help you drink more water to lose weight and to lose fat if drinking unflavored water doesn't appeal to you.
Try adding a slice of lemon, lime or orange.
But by far, the easiest way that I discovered is to start drinking your water from a "squirt bottle.
" It just seems more fun.
Give it a try and see for yourself.
Mistake #2: You're skipping meals and snacks Solution: Eating 3 meals and having 2 snacks a day can be a challenge! After all, you're busy taking care of your family, and your aging parents.
Some of you may be tending to your businesses that so many others are dependent upon.
About now, your probably saying to yourself, "when do I have time to eat?" The truth is you have to eat to lose fat! Think of your body as a fireplace and food as the fuel to burn fat.
When you eat smaller meals more often, the "fireplace" stays stoked and your able to burn more calories than if you were to eat only 1 or 2 meals per day.
One of the problems with eating just 1 or 2 meals is that the "fire" dies down and just smolders in between meals.
The second problem is that you're starving by the time you have that second meal.
When this happens you are more likely to over eat and not make wise food choices.
Start tomorrow eating breakfast.
By lunch time you'll be ready to eat.
Have an afternoon snack and after dinner eat another snack.
Do this for 5 days and feel the difference.
Mistake #3: You're using diet pills for rapid weight loss Solution: My 30 years of experience with weight loss pills is embarrassing! I have probably tried all of them and not one provided me with any o their promised results.
I found such appeal to their skinny models, and they played on my desperation to have a body like theirs.
Most of their labels list high amounts of caffeine and proprietary blends of who knows what.
By FDA rules and regulations "proprietary blends" do not have to be itemized so you may consume something that you have an allergy or sensitivity to.
All of them recommend exercise, and eating a sensible diet plan.
So why are you spending your hard earned money on them? Mistake #4: You're eating too many processed foods Solution: With our lifestyles today, it's very easy to get caught in the trap of eating too many processed foods.
Take a look in your food pantry - how many boxes, bottles and cans of food do you count? Now inventory your freezer - how many boxes, cans and plastic bags of prepackaged foods do you count? Be honest, are these there for the occasional meal on the run? Or are these the staples of your diet? And now look at just a couple of labels and check their ingredient lists.
The rule of thumb is anything with more than 1 ingredient is processed.
9% of those ingredients are for the food processors benefit - not yours! Our body's don't know what to do with all those additives and toxins.
So it holds onto them in our digestive tract and in our fat cells.
Pretty soon your abdomen area is bloated, and those fat cells group together to form cellulite.
The next time you are at the grocery store shop the outer aisles first.
Then if you need to enter the inner aisles reads the labels and make choices based on their ingredient lists.
Not only does quench our thirst and cool us off but our lungs need it so we can breathe, our liver and kidney's need it help with the cleansing functions, but our digestive tract also needs it to help with absorption of nutrients and excretion of toxins.
When we don't drink enough water "on a regular basis" our cells onto it to and don't share with our other systems.
That's why we have "water retention.
" If you want to lose weight you have to drink water and a lot of it.
Emerging science is now recommending that you drink 1/2 of your weight in ounces.
In other words, if you weigh 300 lbs, you need to drink 150 ounces each day.
Here are a few simple tricks to help you drink more water to lose weight and to lose fat if drinking unflavored water doesn't appeal to you.
Try adding a slice of lemon, lime or orange.
But by far, the easiest way that I discovered is to start drinking your water from a "squirt bottle.
" It just seems more fun.
Give it a try and see for yourself.
Mistake #2: You're skipping meals and snacks Solution: Eating 3 meals and having 2 snacks a day can be a challenge! After all, you're busy taking care of your family, and your aging parents.
Some of you may be tending to your businesses that so many others are dependent upon.
About now, your probably saying to yourself, "when do I have time to eat?" The truth is you have to eat to lose fat! Think of your body as a fireplace and food as the fuel to burn fat.
When you eat smaller meals more often, the "fireplace" stays stoked and your able to burn more calories than if you were to eat only 1 or 2 meals per day.
One of the problems with eating just 1 or 2 meals is that the "fire" dies down and just smolders in between meals.
The second problem is that you're starving by the time you have that second meal.
When this happens you are more likely to over eat and not make wise food choices.
Start tomorrow eating breakfast.
By lunch time you'll be ready to eat.
Have an afternoon snack and after dinner eat another snack.
Do this for 5 days and feel the difference.
Mistake #3: You're using diet pills for rapid weight loss Solution: My 30 years of experience with weight loss pills is embarrassing! I have probably tried all of them and not one provided me with any o their promised results.
I found such appeal to their skinny models, and they played on my desperation to have a body like theirs.
Most of their labels list high amounts of caffeine and proprietary blends of who knows what.
By FDA rules and regulations "proprietary blends" do not have to be itemized so you may consume something that you have an allergy or sensitivity to.
All of them recommend exercise, and eating a sensible diet plan.
So why are you spending your hard earned money on them? Mistake #4: You're eating too many processed foods Solution: With our lifestyles today, it's very easy to get caught in the trap of eating too many processed foods.
Take a look in your food pantry - how many boxes, bottles and cans of food do you count? Now inventory your freezer - how many boxes, cans and plastic bags of prepackaged foods do you count? Be honest, are these there for the occasional meal on the run? Or are these the staples of your diet? And now look at just a couple of labels and check their ingredient lists.
The rule of thumb is anything with more than 1 ingredient is processed.
9% of those ingredients are for the food processors benefit - not yours! Our body's don't know what to do with all those additives and toxins.
So it holds onto them in our digestive tract and in our fat cells.
Pretty soon your abdomen area is bloated, and those fat cells group together to form cellulite.
The next time you are at the grocery store shop the outer aisles first.
Then if you need to enter the inner aisles reads the labels and make choices based on their ingredient lists.