Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How to Conceive a Girl - You Need to Know These!

Are you looking for answer on how to conceive a girl? Yes, today my article will reveal to you 3 really important and natural methods, used by a lot of people around the world. Is there really a proven method? (by other couples) Indeed there is! You will need to find out which are the most popular methods other people been using so far to increase the chances to conceive a baby girl.

My article will guide you through a few popular methods that you can use on conceiving a baby girl. They are all DIY and you can do it anytime at the comfort of your home. By following this guide closely will help you to increase the chances on how to conceiving a girl.

How to Conceive a Girl - Guide 1:
Consume the correct kind of food. You should eat more food which is rich in magnesium. Example of the food is like: cereals, green vegetables, apple, etc. However, you should also avoid too much food intake that has high potassium & sodium.

How to Conceive a Girl - Guide 2:
You should find the exact date of your ovulation. It is recommended to purchase an ovulation test kit from the clinic. This kind of test kit is very accurate and reliable to detect your ovulation actual date. Why do you need to find out the date of ovulation? Well, it is because you need to know when to have sexual intercourse in order to increase to chances to conceive a girl. To do that, you should have sex intercourse a few days prior to ovulation. The reason behind is simple - There are two types of sperms - Y(conceive a boy) & X (conceive a girl). Y sperms swim very fast but can die off very easily. X sperms swim slower but they are very strong in their life span. Thus, if you can have sexual intercourse a few days before your ovulation, the chances of X sperms to survive and reach the egg will be very high - the Y sperms usually cannot survive that long.

How to Conceive a Girl - Guide 3:
You should apply the correct sexual position if you are conceiving a girl. As we all know that Y sperms can die off easily. Thus, we need to create an environment to eliminate the Y so that more chances of X can swim into the egg later (as they swim slower). The method is to use a shallow penetration during sexual intercourse. This is because the Y cannot live long enough while swimming into the acidic vaginal area. This will allow X which is stronger to swim through slowly to reach the egg.

In fact, there are other factors such as controlling the PH level (acidic or alkaline). Hope my article today does help some of the couples to conceive a girl. Visit my site to see more...
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