Obesity is increasingly becoming a problem, and there has been much publicity in favour of high protein low carb diets for weight loss.
We have to consider the fact that they may not be right for us all, and if they actually work.
Although very popular, high protein diets have been linked to many adverse conditions such as digestive disorders, bad breath and kidney problems.
Our body needs many different food groups to function healthily.
Therefore by restricting our diet to only selected foods, we are often missing out on the important nutrients we need to stay fit and healthy.
To achieve a healthy eating plan we need to eat foods which have a combination of all the essential nutrients our body needs to function at its best.
Food contains two different types of nutrients.
Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals, whilst micro nutrients are elements present in protein, fats and water.
We need to include both types within our diet to aid our health and wellbeing.
It is also necessary to balance the quantities we eat in order to achieve our weight loss goal.
We may find a high protein low carb diet is not the ideal choice for us.
We all need protein in some form as it is responsible for the production of amino acids, which helps in cell and tissue reproduction and repair.
We should be aware that by acquiring protein from the wrong sources, it will cause a weight increase when eaten excessively.
By eating excessive quantities of full fat dairy produce and fatty red meat, we are putting ourselves at risk of developing high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure and various other health problems.
Carbohydrates are quite complex.
We need to eat plenty of carbohydrates to help our body function effectively, but that does not equate to eating as much bread, potatoes, or cakes and biscuits as we want.
Our aim has to be a choice of carbs which are low on the glycemic index scale.
These will boost our energy levels, enabling us to throw ourselves into our exercise programmes and help us shed those unwanted pounds.
The glycemic index is really a form of measuring the way the food we ingest reacts within our body.
Carbohydrates convert to glucose within the body, but the speed that this happens varies depending on the type we eat, this is how the glycemic index helps us choose foods to help our weight loss programme.
Foods classified with a high glycemic index are quickly converted to glucose, but low GI foods are processed much slower.
We need glucose to produce energy, but if we do not burn off all the glucose we have produced, the remainder will be converted to fat and stored within our body.
It is much more beneficial to reduce the quantities of those foods which provide glucose quickly as we are trying to lose weight, not store excessive fat.
It is a good idea to avoid carbohydrates such as white bread and potatoes when we are trying to lose weight, as they are classified as high GI foods.
By switching to low GI index foods we will not only have more success in our weight loss programme but also reduce the risk of diabetes, due to the reduction of glucose in our diet.
If we embark on a low GI diet in conjunction with an exercise regime that is manageable, we will be sure to lose weight and feel much healthier.
By reducing sugar and toxins we will improve the function or our digestive system, and skin to name just a few beneficial effects a low GI diet can produce.
If we look at the issues surrounding high protein diets, we would be much more likely to lose weight and be healthier by following a low GI diet.
We have to consider the fact that they may not be right for us all, and if they actually work.
Although very popular, high protein diets have been linked to many adverse conditions such as digestive disorders, bad breath and kidney problems.
Our body needs many different food groups to function healthily.
Therefore by restricting our diet to only selected foods, we are often missing out on the important nutrients we need to stay fit and healthy.
To achieve a healthy eating plan we need to eat foods which have a combination of all the essential nutrients our body needs to function at its best.
Food contains two different types of nutrients.
Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals, whilst micro nutrients are elements present in protein, fats and water.
We need to include both types within our diet to aid our health and wellbeing.
It is also necessary to balance the quantities we eat in order to achieve our weight loss goal.
We may find a high protein low carb diet is not the ideal choice for us.
We all need protein in some form as it is responsible for the production of amino acids, which helps in cell and tissue reproduction and repair.
We should be aware that by acquiring protein from the wrong sources, it will cause a weight increase when eaten excessively.
By eating excessive quantities of full fat dairy produce and fatty red meat, we are putting ourselves at risk of developing high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure and various other health problems.
Carbohydrates are quite complex.
We need to eat plenty of carbohydrates to help our body function effectively, but that does not equate to eating as much bread, potatoes, or cakes and biscuits as we want.
Our aim has to be a choice of carbs which are low on the glycemic index scale.
These will boost our energy levels, enabling us to throw ourselves into our exercise programmes and help us shed those unwanted pounds.
The glycemic index is really a form of measuring the way the food we ingest reacts within our body.
Carbohydrates convert to glucose within the body, but the speed that this happens varies depending on the type we eat, this is how the glycemic index helps us choose foods to help our weight loss programme.
Foods classified with a high glycemic index are quickly converted to glucose, but low GI foods are processed much slower.
We need glucose to produce energy, but if we do not burn off all the glucose we have produced, the remainder will be converted to fat and stored within our body.
It is much more beneficial to reduce the quantities of those foods which provide glucose quickly as we are trying to lose weight, not store excessive fat.
It is a good idea to avoid carbohydrates such as white bread and potatoes when we are trying to lose weight, as they are classified as high GI foods.
By switching to low GI index foods we will not only have more success in our weight loss programme but also reduce the risk of diabetes, due to the reduction of glucose in our diet.
If we embark on a low GI diet in conjunction with an exercise regime that is manageable, we will be sure to lose weight and feel much healthier.
By reducing sugar and toxins we will improve the function or our digestive system, and skin to name just a few beneficial effects a low GI diet can produce.
If we look at the issues surrounding high protein diets, we would be much more likely to lose weight and be healthier by following a low GI diet.