- 1). Open iTunes.
- 2). Click the "Edit" option at the top of iTunes. Mac users must click the "iTunes" option at the top of iTunes. A menu will appear after you've clicked the proper option for your computer.
- 3). Click "Preferences" inside the open menu. A window will appear.
- 4). Click on the "General" tab, which is located at the top of the window. Next, click on the "Import Settings" button located in the center of the window. The "Import Settings" window will appear on the screen.
- 5). Click the "Import Using" menu located at the top of the "Import Settings" window. Several file formats will be listed. Choose "MP3 Encoder" in the menu.
- 6). Click "OK" found at the bottom of the two open windows in order to close those windows and save the change of settings in iTunes.
- 1). Click the "Music" option listed underneath "Library." The iTunes Store music, as well as any other iTunes songs, will appear in the middle of iTunes.
- 2). Click on all of the iTunes Store music you wish to convert to MP3 format.
- 3). Click the "Advanced" category at the top of iTunes. A menu will appear.
- 4). Select "Create MP3 Version" in the menu. The iTunes Store music will be converted to MP3 format.
Change iTunes Setting
Convert iTunes Music